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Thread: Burning Out

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  1. #1
    EXP: 107,947, Level: 14
    Level completed: 27%, EXP required for next level: 11,053
    Level completed: 27%,
    EXP required for next level: 11,053
    Rayse Valentino's Avatar

    Rayse Valentino
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    5'10 / Athletic
    Independent Contractor and Arms Dealer

    Burning Out

    Closed to Karuka.
    Home. The place you belong. It was something Rayse hadn't had in a long time. The chilly morning air was his daily reminder of where he was born back in Knife's Edge, Salvar. The long, cold winters. The chill of snow under his palm, the taste of a beer so icy that it halfway froze him as it ran down his throat. With these sensations lost to him, he felt like he was always in a foreign place. He had a warmth that wouldn't go away, a dazing sensation of heat that followed him wherever he went. No matter what he did, he couldn't just relax and lose himself like he did back in Salvar. He couldn't let go of his worries, his fears, and ultimately he lost sight of his goals in this world.

    Back in Salvar, Rayse had three things that he always wanted: Wealth, power, and control. To live his life to the fullest. To ascend to a higher level of existence. To take orders from no one. For the longest time, he only had control.

    His determination lead him down a variety of dark paths, and he had no regrets. Then, he found wealth. Not just money, but the true wealth of the security of his lifestyle. He could go anywhere, do anything, and not worry about how to pay for it, or if he had to agree to any stipulations. Finally, he found power. Strength of mind, body, and spirit to move through those that would stand in his way. With all his goals met, there was only one thing to do: Push all three to the limit- become the wealthiest, have the most power, exert the most control. In his pursuit of what could be infinity, he lost what he had started with. Control. The power that brought him new opportunities also brought him consequences.

    He didn’t remember how long ago he’d first noticed, but something odd was happening. His body was slowly turning into pure fire. Sometimes his limbs would pass through objects he would try to move, other times he felt his very balance start slipping in the wind. Dying was always a possibility in his line of dangerous work, but he never imagined he could simply fade away. Done in by some sort of magical sickness. After finally gaining all the tools needed to become something great, he was on the verge of losing everything.

    So, he sought a cure. Journeying through some of the most desolate regions of Althanas, he searched for his own salvation. It was a daunting task, not only for how little he had to go on, but for the effect it was having on his conscience. What meaning was there to his existence? If he took his wealth beyond the clouds and secured for himself the most exclusive lifestyle of all mankind, what would be left? A feeling of unfettered despair came creeping in, invading his thoughts. When he lived in Knife's Edge, he simply tried to survive, hoping for a better life someday. What could he do now? Eventually, he managed to find a lead.

    In the heat-drenched land of Fallien, the sun's glow warmed the yellow sands, the breeze gently pushed the rolling dunes along on their voyages. The unbearable heat prevented any life from flourishing in this wasteland. Rayse was no stranger to harsh lands, if anything it felt like Salvar's frozen tundras. He had first stopped by the grand city of Irrakam, seeking information about runes and his particular situation. All of the news was bittersweet, with most of them thinking Rayse was a doomed man. He did receive one useful reference. A well-known runic sage claimed to have remedied his particular malady.

    He found himself in the village of Kesta, just off the Attireyi River, with Irrakam visible in the distance. A border town between the northern deserts and the southern fields of glass, it also boasted some of the most venerable runic scholars in all of Fallien. The trade town was filled with merchants and travelers, often a refuge for those who could not get enough access for Irrakam proper. Tan-colored stone houses with rounded tops littered the uneven sandy paths. Rayse was taking slow steps, looking down with each one, as if he had no trust in his own balance. He entered The Synthesis Shop, a rune-crafting establishment. Being away from Irrakam, some of the more unregulated runes could be found here.

    Many crystals leaned against the stone walls on many shelves, reflecting and refracting the light to make the whole place come alive. It was almost brighter inside than it was outside. Also, it seemed to be empty. Rayse took a few steps inside, letting his eyes wander about the room, until he noticed a shuffling sound coming from behind the main counter. He walked up to it.

    "Hey, is anyone here?"
    Last edited by Rayse Valentino; 02-28-16 at 03:32 PM.

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