Fabien slid behind John as soon as the imposing man stood, immediately comforted as the armored man's form could easily hide him entirely.

The men stopped gradually, remembering John. He was enough of a deterrent even before those wicked spikes slid out from around him.

"Fair 'nuff," the bartender said after a moment passed. "Come back in, boys, leave them be."

As easily as that, the fury washed away from them and was replaced with level headed reasoning. They stepped back into the tavern to continue their evening in peace, choosing the safer path.

"Thank you," Fabien muttered, peering out from behind John to make sure the coast was clear. "Guess I should have seen that coming."

He was relieved, drunk, and suddenly eager to be going. He craved a warm bed and a hot bath, followed by an hour or so in the dust.

"See ya around," the young thief saluted, and he began to stumble off into the night.