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Thread: Nara Zakasha

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    Hair Color
    Fiery red
    Eye Color
    5ft 3

    Nara Zakasha

    Name: Nara Zakasha


    Age: 25

    Race: Human

    Height: 5ft 5

    Weight: 130 pounds

    Occupation: Fletcher/Bowyer

    Personality: At a brief glance Nara appears pleasant although quite shy and quiet, get a little closer and she suddenly changes and shifts to a seemingly very cold and intentionally aloof woman. Of course more often than not her frustrating avoidance puts people off of trying to get to know her and so few see the true Nara. In fact when she is not making people uncomfortable with her reserved ways she is quite kind and caring though rarely does she smile. Get on the wrong side of her however and you'll know it. She can be quite cruel when backed into a corner, wounding with her sharp tongue and using which ever topic has more impact on the person, nothing is off limits. Usually she is just trying to seem a lot stronger than she is. Truth is beneath the mask of it all she's a very scared young woman, unsure of herself and untrusting of others.

    History: Nara's existence was a humble one, she was born to an average mother and father, both hard working and clean living. Her mother was a seamstress, working day and night to produce wonderful items of clothing and enjoying the look the joy that was given from receiving such items. Her father, much like his father before him was a skilled bowyer and fletcher, teaching the trade down the family line from father to son however this generation was an exception. Nara's mother had been a sickly woman and struggled to have children for many years. It wasn't until she was in her mid 40's that she was surprised with a baby, not long after they had given up trying. The pair had worried about their age and raising a child but tried to stay positive. Unfortunately during her pregnancy Nara's mother ran into some complications. During the tense birth of Nara, her mother nearly died and due to certain circumstances following this she was no longer able to leave the house.

    Nara's birth was bittersweet for her father who had wished that he could have had a son to pass on his knowledge to like his father before. It wasn't held against her however, she was their only child and so they nourished any interest that she showed which just so happened to be the trade of her father. From a young age Nara saw the joy that her father got from her inquisitive nature about his work and so she threw herself wholeheartedly into learning all that she could from him and aimed to make him proud. Not to turn her back on her mother Nara also tried to take interest in sewing and such but it wasn't quite the same, she did gain a few skills but nothing that could give her the chance to say she was an accomplished seamstress also. Her sewing skills were often as messy as her grubby outdoor clothes.

    As Nara grew older and her parents did also, her mothers health declined and Nara began working long days with her father to bring in enough money to support the family. Carrying on for several years Nara spent more and more time trying to earn enough money to pay for her mothers medical bills which were becoming more frequent and more expenses. Finally not long after her 21st birthday Nara's mother died, her most recent battle with pneumonia having been lost. It was only a year later that her father died, the cause of which no one was quite sure. He had gone peacefully in his sleep with no known illness but Nara acquitted it to a 'broken heart' saying after his mother had died he had never been quite the same.

    The young woman carried on with her trade after the departure of her parents, not wanting to let them down she worked hard to support herself and keep the house in order. She was a happy person with many friends and when she wasn't working she spent most of her time chatting and drinking with the people who mattered most to her, she truly treasured each moment with them knowing full well that it could be their last. It was in this time of happiness and acceptance that fate dealt it's third card to her, a horrific day which would change her life forever and shape her into the woman she is today. The day of the attack had started off like any other, a dull day with nothing out of the ordinary as she made her way to the main part of town to sell her wares. It was during this walk that she was involved in an acid attack that left her eyes blinded as she screamed frantically for it all to stop. Nara woke up that day a confident and independent woman and gone to sleep that evening nothing more than a scarred and scared little girl.

    Appearance: With long, glossy black waist length hair and an appealing figure, Nara is beautiful to look at in all ways but one. Her eyes, scarred and ugly remain hidden always under bandages for fear of scaring those around her. There are however visible lines of pinkish scarring running down her cheeks from under the bindings, something she wishes she could cover but struggles to find a practical way to do so. Nara's figure is somewhat fuller although it is fair to say that she is still in excellent shape, she has found herself more on the curvaceous side following the accident that has left her less active than she once was. As well as the scaring on her face there are also patches that reside on her neck, a few on her arms and very faint scarring on her hands. Once again Nara tries hard to keep herself covered so that she can spare the public her ugly looks.

    Bow Making - From a young age Nara was taught by her father the art of crafting bows, to turn something so simple and rough into an elegant and deadly weapon. Even before she had lost her sight Nara could tell good wood from bad just by the smell, the feel of it under her fingers gave away many secrets that others were too busy to see. Her hands worked almost independent of the rest of her body, as if they had a mind of their own whilst she crafted every type of bow you could imagine, carving designs into each one to make it completely unique.

    Arrow Making - To go with her bow skills, Nara was also taught to make arrows, a process which she didn't quite catch on to as quick as she did with the bows. However it's not to say that she's bad, in fact Nara always felt confident that her arrows were always very well received by her customers.

    Archery - Growing up to learn about bows and arrows, Nara was also taught archery so that if needed she could demonstrate the quality of her wares to her customers as well as provide some of the food for the family. Before she lost her sight Nara could get a fleeing pigeon right between the eyes before the third flap of its wings, a quickness and accuracy that Nara was often complimented on. This has however changed and now the young woman can't even work up the courage to pick up a bow to try it. She does know that if she were to try the target would have to be making noise or moving slowly for her to even pick it out in the area let alone hit it.

    Enhanced hearing - Since losing her sight, Nara has an improved sense of hearing, a blessing brought on by her unfortunate accident but is something of a silver lining for her. She is limited though, in close range she can pick out a person who is talking or walking in a way that is noisy however at long distance or with someone who is very quiet they are almost undetectable by Nara.

    Enhanced sense of touch - Another byproduct of losing her sight, Nara is able to feel the vibrations of the world around her in a more sensitive way. Something as simple as the footsteps of another can help Nara pick out roughly where that person may be. It's not exactly fine tuned and in crowds it's almost impossible but any extra bit of help is greatly appreciated by the young woman.

    Equipment/Weapons: Nara has a long bow, made of a dark wood and carved with vines and roses.
    Last edited by Luci-Lou; 12-07-15 at 02:38 PM.

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