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Thread: Dry Blood[closed]

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  1. #11
    Fists of Fury
    EXP: 29,216, Level: 7
    Level completed: 28%, EXP required for next level: 5,784
    Level completed: 28%,
    EXP required for next level: 5,784
    redford's Avatar

    (Sir) John Albert Cromwell
    Hair Color
    Sandy blonde, falls around his shoulders barely
    Eye Color
    7'8", 593lbs
    Armored brute, mercenary, blacksmith

    View Profile
    John was impressed with the boy's speed, especially his change of direction change after lighting the giant skeleton on fire. It seemed one combatant was already gone. Talen then rushed John with that same speed. John readied a shield in his left hand, the liquid metal fleeing from his feet and shins up to his forearm. The shield grew and he swung, aiming to bash Talen with it as he approached, but out of the corner of his eye, John saw a second Talen appear, swinging a sword already at the faun, who was still shaking with fear. In his intense focus, John desperately wished he could be there to help the defenseless creature. An odd sensation gripped John's chest for a split second as his vision blurred.

    The sound of thunder rang in his ears as he regained his vision, just in time to notice that he was now between the faun and his assailant. He barely had time to raise his shielded left arm before their impact. The ring of metal on metal punctuated the end of the thunder, the force of the blow driving Talen's sword into the shield several inches, sinking into his forearm. The blow would have driven him back had his stance not been so wide, as it was, his foot slid back a few inches. The impact of the blow shook the air around them, kicking up the loose layer of dust in the arena. His eyes were locked with the boy as the blade slid even further into his arm. John grimaced in pain and confusion at the boy's strength, reacting instinctively, sealing the breach in his armor with the sword still inside, finally realizing it was prevaldia. He'd only seen the metal once before, but once was enough to recognize the alloy.

    What is this child?

    John drew his armor thicker around the sword, the metal growing out of either side of the contact with his forearm as he swung a leg wide at Talen's midsection. With the faun scared to inaction and the giant skeleton swimming in the moat, it appeared he would need to fight the boy alone until courage surfaced in the faun.

    Though, John was beginning to wonder if he could.
    Last edited by redford; 06-21-16 at 06:01 PM.
    'nature denied me claws and fangs, so I tore the earth apart, forging them of iron and crafting them of steel'

    Althanas' Fitiest Fiter (2015-2016)

    got an ingot of titanium

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