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Thread: Cinnamon van der Wildbacher

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  1. #1
    Cinnamon's Avatar

    Cinnamon van der Wildbacher
    Hair Color
    Honey blonde, dyed
    Eye Color
    Wine red
    Purveyor of Wine

    Cinnamon van der Wildbacher

    Name: Cinnamon van der Wildbacher
    Nicknames: Sin
    Age: 27
    Race: Faun
    Hair Color: Honey blonde (dyed)
    Eye Color: Wine red
    Height: 6’2”
    Weight: --
    Occupation: Farmer of Apples and Grapes, Wine-maker

    As a cultivator and protector of the vineyards/orchards on his family farm, he is also--by natural extension--a protector of trees in general. Generally speaking, he is very laid-back and amiable, though he has a mischievous streak. His is a slow--albeit explosive--temper, unless he's been drinking. He is extremely devoted to Drys, like most of his kind, and will not suffer any to disrespect her in his presence.

    Naturally, his hair/fur is the color of cinnamon, though he dies his hair blonde because he thinks it looks better with his sun-kissed skin. His eyes are the color of red wine. His horns are more goat-like than ram-like, after his mother’s, as such they are not huge and curling. Usually, he keeps his long, wavy hair up in a perpetually messy bun. He is never seen without his walking stick, which typically has some form of food dangling from it, for snacking purposes. The only time this isn’t the case is when he’s using his walking stick in combat.

    The Wildbacher family is well-known throughout faun society, both for their orchards/vineyards, and for their strange, unfaun-like behavior...

    Differing from most within the small faun community of Paradisia, the Wildbacher’s promote and practice lasting marriage, to keep the bloodline strong. The Patriarch of the family is known to take on several wives, the first of which becomes the Matriarch of the family, who then presides over the family with as much power as the Patriarch. Any child born is expected to find husbands/wives of their own once they reach maturity and/or mastery of their familial responsibilities. Over the years, this decision has meant that the Wildbacher family farm has become large enough to qualify as its own city. To prevent overpopulation, the family has, in recent years, started to encourage resettlement and growth into cities outside of Paradisia.

    Through this latest development, the Wildbacher’s have gained significant notoriety among foreigners, or ‘non-fauns.’ In turn, right alongside their apple orchards, the Wildbacher’s have started to grow grapes for the production of wine, for export. Their vintages are widely sought after by non-fauns, as the grapes are grown via the earth magic that has become hereditary among members of the family.

    Faunish rumor-mongers will tell you that all of this unfaun-like behavior is a result of the Headbutt the family produces. After all, the holy drink is well-known for its hallucinogenic properties. However, if you ask an actual Wildbacher, they will simply tell you that everything they do is for the glory of Drys.


    Cinnamon’s mother is the Matriarch. The eldest of eight born to his mother, he has four brothers and three sisters.

    Like all children born under the Wildbacher name, he was born with innate aptitude for earth magic. By the age of five, he’d already found and bonded with his earth-spirit familiar, a she-bear by the name of Ame. By fifteen, he was well-versed in how to make Headbutt. Though, by this time, he found himself restless and bored with life at home. He longed for adventure, for the chance to grow and see new things. Impishly, he began to talk about the benefits of foreign trade, and how the farm would be better off if some of the family left to expand the market. Eventually, this little seed bore fruit. His father finally sanctioned ‘his’ resettlement idea, and it was widely celebrated. Cinnamon, himself--in his twenties, now--was one of the first to volunteer. Before his departure, his father passed on the ancestral horn, which was taken from the Wildbacher progenitor, who was said to have learned Headbutt’s sacred recipe directly from Pan.

    Now, he’s taken to wandering Althanas with Ame, in the name of Wildbacher business. What profits he earns from his wine, he sends home to his family. He returns home every month or so, depending on how far he travels, to replenish his supplies and to renew his family bonds.

    Basic knowledge of staff-combat. He can fight if he has to, nothing special.
    Extensive knowledge on how to make wine, Headbutt, etc.

    Speed: excelled speed when running, about twice as fast as a normal person. This also enhances his basic attack speed, movement etc, up to 2x a normal person as well.

    Earth Magic:
    Wildling Wood: because of his bloodline, he is able to make plants grow much faster than they would on their own, by giving them magically generated nourishment. Ordinarily, this is used merely as a means to fortify a struggling tree on his family’s farm. If pressed, though, he can use this as a form of defense by calling upon any nearby root-system to form a protective shield around himself, made of tier-1 level wood. This defense works just as well for up to three people within arm’s reach of Cinnamon, but they have to stay that close for the duration of this ability, which lasts a maximum of three posts. This can only be used once, daily, per root-system, as it is draining for Cinnamon, as well as being potentially problematic to his immediate environment.

    Familiar, Ame:
    Ame is immortal, but when she dies she winks out of existence for ten minutes before being reborn under the same apple tree Cinnamon found her under in Paradisia. So, after dying in battle, she cannot return, but Cinnamon can use her magical ability after those ten minutes. At the moment, however, Ame has yet to develop any magical abilities.

    Basic Abilities: can be used in combat - Ame’s claws can deal extensive damage, cutting down to the bone in extreme cases, thereby causing major wounds that can potentially incapacitate a foe. She can also bite, and while this hurts a great deal, any injuries sustained in this manner are much less severe.

    His staff, oak. Mostly used for walking, though strong enough to use in combat when necessary.
    Ancestral horn.
    Knapsack filled with whatever odds and ends he needs while travelling.
    A simple cart designed for Ame to pull, holding a few barrels of Wildbacher wine, etc for him to sell.
    Last edited by Cinnamon; 03-12-16 at 02:43 PM. Reason: Applying the necessary changes.

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