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Thread: The League

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  1. #1
    EXP: 3,100, Level: 2
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    Ceidon's Avatar

    Ceidon Lorè
    Hair Color
    Long Brown
    Eye Color
    Deep Brown

    The League

    Good news everyone! I'm restarting the League of International Intrigue (i.e. the League). What is the League you ask? The League is an OOC Power Group whose only goal is to spread the joy of writing across Althanas. We do this by challenging ourselves to post in under ten minutes from sit down to finish using the built in editor, making this the most fast paced, action packed posting group on the site. Here's how it works in a fancy FAQ format:


    How to Register for the League

    Simply post a reply to this thread expressing interest and we'll add you to the roster below.

    Are there any posting requirements?

    Yes! Well, sort of. As noted above, we try to complete posts within ten minutes from sit down to finish. This is more of a loose guideline than a hard rule. Obviously, this might vary based on availability.

    Are there any OOC requirements?

    Since we're not an official PG, we don't get access to Althanas' "Group" function, so we simply ask you advertise for the league in your signature somehow.

    How do League threads work?

    If someone has an idea for a story, just put it here and grab some members. We'll also try to participate in as many canon quests, mission boards, and boss battles as we can. We'll designate either in the title or as an OOC tag whether the thread is a League thread or not!

    What types of characters can join?

    There is no IC agenda, so any type of character is allowed to join!

    Are there any rewards?

    None specifically, as this is not an official Althanas sanctioned group. However, the more quickly threads are completed, the more rewards we'll receive. At the end of a completed thread, we'll either ask for a "No Judgment" or a "Workshop" to speed along processing.
    Last edited by Ceidon; 02-06-17 at 12:23 PM.

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