Hey everyone,

Figure I might put this here. If I need to relocate or delete, let me know.

I was just meandering around the forums today, and decided to pop into the Judge's Choice. One thing kinda yelled at me right away. There hasn't been a judge's choice for over a year now, which is kinda sad to me. Wanted to get some thoughts on the matter.

Now, I know that Judge's Choice is not something that should be thrown around lightly. From my reading of a few of them, they are top notch for a reason, and are no doubt a lot of work in the making. But I wondered why there haven't been any of late. Is it that threads just aren't being completed? Is it a lack of motivation to create the best work possible? Could the workshop be slightly to blame, as you get a good score of 65 with multiple feedback, but thereby forego the opportunity to receive JC recommendation? Or am I mistaken that you can get JC recommendation from a workshop? Is it that the judge's have gotten more critical over time, and thus make it innately harder to receive scores that merit JC (not intentional on the judges part, no doubt)? Or is it some other factor that I haven't thought about? No big althanas events going on, like a FQ?

Anyway, let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear from members and judges/mods/admins alike. And this is by no means trying to point fingers or make my fellow writer's feel bad about ability in any way. I just noticed it, and wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the matter. Also, if anyone has a really good JC to recommend reading (besides all of them) let me know! Looking for a fun read.