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Thread: LCC 2016 Finals Announcement

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  1. #1
    The Three Ways
    EXP: 42,532, Level: 8
    Level completed: 84%, EXP required for next level: 1,468
    Level completed: 84%,
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    Logan's Avatar

    Logan McCloud
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Glacier Blue
    6'4" - 245 lbs.
    Manipulation of Your Mind

    LCC 2016 Finals Announcement

    Out of Character:
    Prior iterations of the LCC have seen those who reach the Finals left to their own devices, but this year we wanted to shake things up a little bit. What follows is the beginning of the prompt which will see the combatants brought to the island of Lornius via the port city of Lyridia. Enjoy.

    The two figures stood across an oaken table checkered with ebony and ivory squares covering its surface. Atop the squares rested four marble figurines in equally matching black and white, while other figurines were set aside.

    The first of the two figures, a man of average height clothed in all white and a pair of patented weapons at his side, reached out to grab one of the pieces. Before he moved it, however, he paused, and then released his grip. He scanned the available moves before him, and then at the man opposite himself.

    "You do realize if they ever find out about any of this, they will have us put to the stake or worse,” he asked of his counterpart.

    The second of the figures smirked an all too familiar smirk. His hands lowered to the hilts of the two small swords at his sides as he nodded.

    “Of course. But I’d like to see them try and succeed,” he replied as his smirk was replaced by an arrogant grin.

    “Very well, then. I shall make my final move, but just remember our little bet when this is all said and done, and my chosen have bested your chosen,” replied the man in white.

    The man with the swords laughed heartily, a bellowing chuckle that reverberated among the stone walls of the room. He pointed toward the shimmering window, which was nothing more than a scrying spell placed upon a wall allowing the two to watch over the festivities.

    “Can’t you see? You lost long ago. I picked these two,” the swordsman said as he motioned to the two ebony pawns remaining on the board, “from the beginning. I even told you they would best any obstacle you could throw in their path, and they have, and they did. And what of your chosen ones?”

    “My chosen ones? I picked them because I believe in them," the man wearing white rested his hands upon the two pieces matching his attire before continuing, "I trust them, and I know them. I have fought alongside them and against them in wars. I have seen their iron will firsthand. They are survivalists, and while they may not best all thrown their way, they always seem to walk away victorious. Your chosen ones might be stronger, but mine will survive this war of attrition.”
    Last edited by Logan; 06-02-16 at 08:56 AM.

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