Hogwarts Doubt

Hogwarts. For hundreds of years, it has been a place of knowledge, a place of safety, and above all, a place of magic. Within these towering stone walls, students have gained valuable experience, and found lifelong friends, and grown up to be some of the world's most influential witches and wizards. But a new darkness has befallen these hollowed halls. Only the most observant have noticed, but with each passing day, the strange sensation spreads. Unexplainable phenomena hint at the approaching evil, and it is up to you to piece together the puzzle. It will take three souls to unlock the secrets that lurk deep within Hogwarts, and rest assured that there are forces working to thin your ranks. Can you overcome your doubt, and save your school?

- Hogwarts Doubt is a Harry Potter themed version of Rabbit Doubt. If you're unfamiliar with RD, feel free to look it up. It is essentially mafia on steroids, with story posts meant to help you locate the killers.
- Your job, as a player, will be to discuss, vote, and complete any actions. Just check in once a day, or every other day.
- There are two phases of play in this game, with roles attached to each. The night phases involves the murder(s), the day phase involves the lynch votes. Special roles may disrupt this process.
- One player will take on the role of the Voldemort. He may kill every night phase. Voldemort is the main killer.
- One player is playing the role of Bellatrix Lestrange. She may kill two players, regardless of phase. Bellatrix is the secondary killer.
- Each day phase, the survivors cast a lynch vote. The player who receives the most votes will be lynched.
- The Death Eaters win if there are fewer than three members, including themselves.
- The school wins if all killers are caught before the numbers dwindle to less than three.
- Players who have been killed may not post again after the story post is up. This is an attempt to make sure precious information is not leaked, leading to a much shorter game. However, I urge all players to read along, regardless of whether or not they are already dead. Spoiler alert: There will be opportunities for those who have been killed to contribute to the game later on.

- Roles will be handed out using a random number generator. Do not request a role.
- Anyone who has been inactive for an extended period of time will be modkilled (think multiple days without contacting me). And remember, inactivity is suspicious. If you don't speak all game, most might suspect that you have something to hide.
- Those who are not playing the game may not post in this topic. I will report those who clutter up my game.
- All votes must be made via PM, Facebook message, text message, etc. Just get to me. Any "votes" posted in this topic will not count for anything.
- You may discuss the game via PM, but I would really prefer it if you kept most of the discussions to the topic. It makes for a more exciting game, and if everyone takes a part in dissecting the story posts, there is a better chance the roles will be guessed correctly. However, there are no screenshots allowed. Copy/pasting and forwarding is free game, as they can be easily edited.
- Do not take anything in this game personally. If your best friend votes to kill you, that does not mean that they are no longer your best friend. It is all a game. Also, please respect your GMs and your fellow players. It makes for a more enjoyable game all around.
- Only my story posts will be posted in the IC. Votes and role abilities will be kept to PM, and discussion will be strictly OOC (this thread).
- There will be spoilers. Please be aware.
- Finally, these rules are subject to change. I will alert you of any alterations that I make.

Prefect - He or she will have the ability to cast a vote that carries twice as much weight (counts as two votes). The leader is selected by the players via PM. In the event the leader is killed early on, a second leader will be selected.

Voldemort - Oh, how far you have fallen, Voldemort. Such a brilliant mind, with so much potential. Hogwarts was once your play place. Yet you have allowed your thirst for power to warp you, and now you kill every night, without mercy. You are the primary killer.

Bellatrix - There is little question that you'll do anything Voldemort asks of you; you are his most loyal, most sadistic follower. To aid in his mission, you kill two others, regardless of phase. Certainly, you are ruthless enough to kill under the cloak of night or even in broad daylight. You are the secondary killer.

Hermione - Miss Granger, you are the brightest witch of your age. You have a remarkable ability to learn things that you probably should not know, and that makes you vital to the school. Every night phase, you may investigate the role of one other individual. You are the detective role.

Minerva McGonagall - Even if the students don't always recognize it, you are among their greatest protectors. You constantly look out for the well-being of your children. Every day, you go out of your way to protect another from a potential attack. Just be careful, because if you protect a killer, you will be killed instead of the killer’s initial target. You are the day protector.

[A few other roles will be posted shortly, but most will remain a mystery.]

(I'd love for 15 or so, if possible. Please note, abilities may change prior to the game starting depending on how many players we have.)
1. Cards of Fate