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Thread: Forging a Baronsess' Son (Closed to Bard)

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    jdd2035's Avatar

    Captain Cain Jodin
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    Merchant Sailor/ Privateer

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    Forging a Baronsess' Son (Closed to Bard)

    The Peregrine was lying at single anchor in Serenti harbor. Being a port that he frequented during the Civil War it had an anchorage where Privateers and Smugglers docked, many of whose fast, rakish, predatory ships could be seen along the quay mingled with merchant ships and a few Republic Man-of-Wars. Turning in his mechanical walk on the quarterdeck, Cain glanced at the city and once again tried to make out what made Serenti so different. There was a general feel of slovenliness and easy money; there were a moderate number of prostitutes easily visible, and the feeling that a determined and well-armed force would never make an attempt on it.

    Cain also noticed that there was a boat that had put off for the Peregrine, and while it was attempting to stretch out, the lack of coordination on the pilots part made their attempt a comical affair. Stopping his mechanical walk Cain stepped onto the hammock nets and gripped a shroud to watch as the boat circled half way around before being over corrected and spun nearly one hundred degrees the other way. Cain couldn't help but laugh for a moment. That was when he noticed a second boat making its way to the Peregrine; this one belonging to the ship. The second boat was stretching out in a seaman-like fashion doing the Peregrine proud and prouder still when they hailed the clumsy boat and began towing her in.

    When the boats came aboard the gentlemen from the first boat after a laborious showing presented themselves in Cain’s Great Cabin.

    The stuffier of the two gentlemen spoke "Mr. Cain Jodin, you have been requested to meet with the Lady of this Province, Baroness Aniel Marwena at three in the afternoon. She hopes that you will not refuse this request in light of her business with you and continuing friendship."

    The second gentleman piped up "In short, you don't have much choice in the matter."

    Cain was annoyed but seeing as how the Baroness may be offended if he tossed her servants out of the open gallery window, he nodded and replied, "Please tell the Baroness Aniel Marwena that I will be honored to meet with her at the appointed time." Then in his over the roaring canons voice he exclaimed "Aravir, Aravir there! Fetch me my number one coat!" He may or may not have used this voice to startle the pair.

    Right at fifteen minutes to three Cain was presenting himself in his fine blue sea coat complete with whaling pins; a wine colored waist coat; white sail cloth slops hessian boots; and his tricorne hat. He debated rather or not to bring his cavalry saber and pistols but eventually opted to leave them behind. After the subsequent announcements and ceremony, Cain gave a graceful dancers bow simultaneously pulling his hat off, and stated "Captain Cain Jodin of the Peregrine at your service my lady.”
    Last edited by jdd2035; 05-30-16 at 08:37 AM.
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Margret Thatcher.

    Shot and powder

    Cavalry Saber

    Number one sea coat

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