Cain Jodin found silence. Until, another clatter sounded from the interior of the hut. Scratch and skitter lead to another series of racket. No words nor whimpers replied to the pirate. An animal? A child in fear? The dark interior lead little detail from the outside.

The sound of hooves beating against the worn path made way through the opening at the forest's edge. From it, emerged horse and cloaked rider. Garbs of brown linen wrapped around his form as slack fluttered in his wake. Upon arriving at the village scene, his gloved hands pulled the reigns, forcing his steed to its hindquarters in protest. When his mount steadied, the rider dismounted, throwing back his hood.

"Afternoon," he bellowed in a hoarse, seasoned voice. Pale skin and sharp emerald eyes cut a path of observation to the four within sight. Messy curls of earthen brown framed his chiseled features, nearly devoid of visible defect or blemish. From the sides, two tipped ears barely broke the thicket of hair - an elf.

"Terrance Lor'enahr, with the Alerar Guard," he stated firmly, the beams of sunlight bringing notice to glimmer under his robes he quickly adjusted from view. "State your business. This land is off limits to strangers."

Meanwhile, as Vincent turned the gem over in his hand, a weight would increase almost exponentially. What once fell like a few ounces now felt as if several pounds. The heavier it became, the more it began to glow with Vincent's blue sparks. Until it finally leveled off and flashed bright. A crack formed in its pristine facets and the gem shook threateningly as if it were about to explode.

Shifter's weighted pockets, on the other hand, remained quiet. Yet, an uncomfortable sense of fatigue crept into notice. A connection to the effect of Vince's?

Terrance eyed Vince's predicament and an expression mixed of shock and confusion painted across his face.

"Quick!," he shouted with a step back. "Throw it!" The albino Alerian turned away, shielding his face with an arm.

Hopefully the scholar would heed his warning. Time was limited.

[Meanwhile, elsewhere.]

"Scout 029 has arrived, but... there's something you might want to see."

"What is it?"

Footsteps echoed, followed by brief silence.

"You see that?"

"Is it--? No... It's exceeding capacity? Perhaps a mage?"

"Uncertain, no incantation was done or similar magical trigger. Latent energy?"



"Activate and ready the first wave. We might have some real test subjects to try out. Finally, something better than bandits."

"Yessir. First wave is ready. Waiting for your mark."