It was early in the morning and Cain had found himself on a deserted beach. The night had been rough a lot rougher that it really should have been. Cain was invited to a meeting in which discussions as to what all the privateers, mercenaries and smugglers and the like were going to do after the Civil War which was fast coming to an end. In fact aside from a few stout hold outs the Civil War for all intents and purposes was over.

Cain was among those captains that could return to a profitable life with out much trouble. But it was those that couldn't transition easily; those that were blackguardy and would rather turn their skills to piracy and banditry. There was how ever another group though that was not represented here and that was the Generals, Admirals, high ranking nobles and the like that would be tempted to take advantage of the instability at the end of such a war and make them selves the defacto leader.

It was one such of this last group that caused the rough night. In an attempt to proactively remove possible resistance against him a General had raided the meeting place. After heavy tough and go combat Cain seemed to be one of the last of the meeting group to be left alive. The meeting it self was supposed to be a casual, neutral almost peaceful meeting and so Cain had left his equipment behind taking a midshipman's dirk as his only weapon.

The Ambitious Colonial was Killed in his own raid but now it was morning and Cain had found himself on a deserted beach looking at an incoming Galley that was coming in to resupply.

Cain was tired or more accurately exhausted and the thought of catching a ride back to his ship the Peregrine sounded like a good idea. "Ahoy there!" Cain shouted to the incoming ship. A launch was dropped over the side and a group of sailors were soon upon the beach and almost immediately Cain had a bad feeling.

The lead goon from the launch stated "Looks like we got our selves another man for the sweeps." and before Cain could even react he was rushed. He felt one of his assailants strike him in his kidney, and another strike him in the back of his head and every thing went black. Some time later Cain woke up his wrists were shackled to one of the oars and he didn't have a real recollection of where he was at.