The heat of the day had died considerably as Luna walked slowly down the street. There were many more people here than there were a few hours before. But it wasn't a normal crowd that one would see in a market. Instead of hagglers and customers and what have you, there were just people moving quickly back and forth. Sellers were closing up their stalls and taking in their wares for the night ahead. Men and women were darting into their homes or down opposite streets, with those left heading to the taverns. Sad, really. The night breeze was a welcome relief. She could smell the salt of the sea, the fragrance of the flowers, and the grease from the food being made in the tavern nearest to her. It was... peaceful.

Luna continued down the street. She was still disguised as a fair elven maiden. Long golden locks and beautiful emerald eyes that twinkled ever so slightly in the dim light. She turned left. Now, where was that little nook she'd managed to rent for a few evenings? she was sure it was around here somewhere...