Devyn tapped her fingers on the table absently, her gaze roving around the coffee shop. While her eyes weren't bloodshot, and her nose absent of any redness, there was a sort of lost look in her eyes, the opposite of the happiness she'd displayed previously. The events of her goodbyes were certainly unexpected and unplanned, which left her feeling a lot less enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. However, she wasn't changing her mind, and instead had run from her former home as fast as she could, and now sat waiting for Vincent in the shop that he'd first brought her.

She paused in mid gaze and glanced down at the stained wooden table, green eyes focusing on the details. She couldn't sit here and just look around aimlessly. It caused her mind to wander, and more than anything, the woman didn't want to think of unpleasant thoughts.

Various water stains marked the surface, evidently from the countless cups of coffee that had been placed on the very table. It was mindblowing to think of how many people might have sat here, with unknown inner turmoil brewing in their minds. Maybe someone had proposed here. They might have cried, or might have laughed so hard that liquid came out if their nose. Maybe someone had died here. At the thought of that, a lump grew in her throat, and Vyn tore her gaze away from the table to glance once more around the room.

She was selfish. More than anything, she knew that she was selfish and yet she continued on this path. Maybe this would never change, but it was her, and she wasn't quite sure if she wanted to change it. She was leaving everything behind, and even if she was going to be working towards a good cause, she knew that what she really wanted was to make a change. She'd accepted because she wanted to make an impact and leave her mark, not because of the people she could help. She was so fucking selfish. She was leaving her tattered family behind for a bit of glory. And she hated that she didn't really mind.

I hope he hurries up, or else I'll drown in my own sorrows.

(Sorry about the vagueness and relative nothingness of it all...)