Unnamed Harbor Town
Unnamed tavern
Room 12

Urgh. I hated waking up like this. My back hurt from the stiff bed I had been laying on. But it was better than the ground, and out in the cold night. Leaning up, sitting on the bedframe, I was rubbing my face with my hands. Trying my best to wake up. Walking out of the room, and down the hall to the shared cleaning room, I splashed some water on my face. Waking me up, I realised I was only dressed in pants. I am not sure how people around here were about modesty, but considering they worked on the seas or around people who may not be as modest as I was, I didn't think too poorly on myself.

I took a moment to look out of the door, and saw nobody. Making my way down the hall, I got into my room, and left the door open as I began to clothe myself. Really it was just pulling a shirt over my head, slipping on my jacket, and putting boots on. I kept the scarf off and sat it inside my bag. Grabbing the belt, I latched it around my waist, and let it hang on my right side. A simple iron sword. Nothing fancy as I got it from my previous work as a slave hand aboard a ship. Now, I was trying to find some kind of job so I could get more gold than what I already had.

Taking a hold of the door as I made my way out, I closed it, and locked the lock to prevent others from stealing what little I had. And began to make my way downstairs into the bar, and maybe get a drink before looking for work.

Closed to Darkest.Desires