Lorenor had come across many souls in his life time.

A few were even present in the tavern at the same exact moment he happened to be in it.

Irony? Fate, or perhaps something more sinister at work? Lorenor held secrets at his disposal, secrets that would someday change the course of Althanas history. As he sat there writing, he carefully listened to those voices of the gathered. Many he did not recognize. Many were lost with the sound of the storm outside. Plus, Lorenor kept himself busy with his journal entry. There was much that needed to be chronicled. Many parts of his life, and the historical events he'd undergone. He remembered much of it...some were currently lost in the ebb and flow of his mind. Lorenor shook his head. Jozie had brought him a drink of water, clear and reflecting his face. The chalice was a simple one. He drank the water deeply, it refreshed his troubled soul. His eyes took a moment to look away from the scribbled notes in his journal. Sometimes he would do a doodle or a sketch of this or that historical land mark that he'd been to. Part of his Paladin training with the Ixian Knights was a rudimentary education. Lorenor had been brilliant before, and that thirst for knowledge never ceased regardless of his current stage of evolution.

As he sat there, he took a sip of the chalice.

His eyes were narrowed as he took in the scene.

Some of the figures present were familiar...many were not.

He placed the chalice back on the well structured table. Lorenor guessed it was likely oak, or some other similar wood. It had a cherry finish. He began absent mindedly sketching various ideas in his head. He was not a skilled craftsman yet, but he was open to learn. In the meantime, the vast weight of history had developed an over abundant imagination. So he used that to full extent. He sketched various ideas in his head, concepts, ideas and dreams. As he sat there, for the first time since he awoke in the ruins of the Ixian Knight's castle...Lorenor allowed himself to feel whole again. Though he was far from being a complete individual...he was blessed by being an avatar of The Holy Light. He would train his growing skill level to great effect. In the meantime, he had time to ponder his next move and enjoy the companionship of fellow Adventurers. His eyes began to scan the tavern room itself for the various patrons. A few were out of sight, but that was all right. Some folks would prefer to be by themselves. I can understand that. Though Lorenor was an older man, he was still young in the ways of the Paladin's apprentice. Squire. That's what Sei Orlouge's associates had called him.

He found himself constantly thinking of Sei Orlouge.

Is he still out there...? Somewhere...? Lorenor thought to himself as he considered the pondered thought at hand.