Cain called out numbers "Two score enemy vanguard in formation! Able and armed with elemental guns and unknown contraptions! Moving briskly!" He had ideas but he didn't have time to convey them back. He was high, the two most powerful of the group were lower. If they could draw the enemy force in to a basin, town square or other semi-enclosed space and force them to cluster Cain could fire form behind and above while the other fired from the front he was after all positioned in a prime snipers nest.

Cain would wait and watch however the situation would go. If the group decided to cut and run Cain would be right behind them giving them covering fire. But if they did decide to stay and fight Cain would do what he could from his filth filled snipers nest. Either way he was soon going to be busy.

All of a sudden all of the former enemy combatants seemed to turn inside out and disappear. "How very ghoulish." Cain said to himself watching the next wave march toward the decimated village. Out of pure curiosity Cain probed the six inch blood stained area that was left from one of the enemies. He knew the wind and current, he could come up with a caper to give himself and his ship the weather-gage, he could follow specific stars to his destination hell he even measured the curve of Althanas but when it came to magic things he had no answer. He would some day and these guns gave him an idea on how.