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    ravens.grim's Avatar

    Brielle Vivette
    Half Fae
    Hair Color
    Black- raven
    Eye Color
    A soft purple hue
    5'5 125

    Brielle Vivette

    Name: Brielle Vivette
    Nickname/Alias:* Bri, Elle
    Age: 19
    Race: Half Fae
    Height: 5'5

    Personality: Hi, um I am Brielle Vivette. Not much to say about me besides I am kind of shy, I tend to stay away from people if I can. I don't do adventurous things if I can help it because I get scared easy and when I get scared, well bad-weird things happen. I-I can control dead things, before you look at me all crazy just listen.

    History: I don't know my parents cause my mother died at birth, weird huh me killing my mother on the way out when I can control dead things. I lived at an orphanage until a couple years ago, but when I was younger I was so skittish the kids used to make fun of me. When I would scream the ground would kind of rumble and dead animals would start crawling towards me. The other kids would run off screaming of course and I would try. They followed me though any where I went! I got so scared I thought I was gonna passed out. They surrounded me and I covered my ears closed my eyes and screamed, when I looked again I was surrounded by a pile of bones. Any time I get scared it happens and I have no idea why!

    Appearance: I mean I guess I am okay looking, I am average height, slim with a few curves. I have my mother's eyes or so I have been told. I have kind of short hair that stops just above my shoulders parting deeply to the left and is naturally wavy. I am not sure what else to say this is pretty weird talking about myself.

    Skills: I mean I can sing I guess, I know how to sew and mend small cuts and fractures?

    Necromancy-ish: When ever I get scared I scream which some how causes or calls too dead things and they come well animals do, all sorts. It's like I, myself am a beckon that they hone in on and have to be near, they crowd around me. It freaks me out I close my eyes scream and they combust into a pile of bones. I do notice though that if I run for more than ten minutes they drop right where they are dead again.

    True Sight: When I am in a spot were person was murdered I see it right than and there as if it was happening right now instead of sometime ago. I have to be in that area of where the altercation started/finished, the images are like scenes in a book where you can see it but you yelling and screaming isn't going to change the out come.

    Equipment/Weapons: A satchel that has a few needles and pieces of thread. A few first aid things, pencil and a blank book
    Last edited by ravens.grim; 06-14-16 at 08:35 PM.

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