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Thread: Unleashing Moonwing

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  1. #1
    Like a Caterpillar
    EXP: 19,347, Level: 5
    Level completed: 90%, EXP required for next level: 653
    Level completed: 90%,
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    Ioder's Avatar

    Ioder (Haven)
    28 (Appearance)
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    Just a regular guy

    Unleashing Moonwing

    Closed to Fez.
    “One more…” a dark voice echoed through Ioder’s mind as he stepped once more into the grand Citadel. Moonwing had been ever present in the dark recesses of his mind, yet now her strength began to swell. She held Ioder within her ethereal talons, using him like a marionette. He walked through the grand halls like a mindless thrall, unable to communicate on his own. This would be the last time Ioder would ever visit this place, at least the last time ever as the man he once was. The last few months had been merely an incubation period for the beast sealed within him. With every conflict she grew stronger, stealing both his power and that of the foes he battled. And now this Ancient Dragon whom he once thought to be vanquished stood upon the threshold of resurrection.

    “Soon i'll possess enough power to be free of your seal, and you will be nothing more than my vessel, seraphim.” the dissembodied voice of Moonwing echoed out once more.

    “You underestimate me dearly.” Ioder thought back as he fought viciously for control of his body, but to no avail. “You may control me beast, but I will never give up.” he yelled telepathicly, even if he was unsure if he could ever over take the dragon.

    This was his greatest folly, believing that he was capable of holding the Mother of Dragons. All that he was, a descendant of the Ancients, master of primordial magic, Fate’s Chosen, mattered not. He could do nothing now other than simply allow her to puppet him like a toy. Anger was all he felt, towards the beast who controlled him and the thought of lost opertunity. The thought of being denied the chance to battle Vincent Cain one final time filled Ioder with unrivaled fury.

    Finally as Ioder entered the portal opened by the high monks he came face to face with destiny. He found himself standing on the steps of oblivion, a replication of the Chasm of Nixilis. A vast ridge that originally bordered by Dragon’s Folly. The ground was a composite ore of some kind splintered with massive iron jetties. He stood atop a great cliff overlooking the perillas stone basin below. The smell of noxious gas filled his nostrils as he noted a large river of molten metal deep in the chasen below. The gasses nearly choked him as he quickly covered his mouth with his wrist.

    The skies were as grey as the earth, threatening to unleash torrents of lightning at any moment. Ioder noted that at his elevation taking flight would prove to be deadly with such weather. As such he kept his wings tucked away under his green coat. His shaggy blonde hair danced in the violent tailwinds as he made his way to the very edge. He waited here for his challenger to appear and their battle to begin.

    As the gale winds raged on the blonde youth made swift hand signs. Ancient glyphs appeared on the backs of each hands and began to glow bright. The air around him began to fill with white shimmering haze as Ioder pulled forth from his magic. The glistening cloud began to dance around him twisting and turning with his every motion. His foe would be here soon and sooner the beginning of the end.
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    There will be blood.

    (09:19:09) Max_Dirks: (whispers) nah I've read your stuff, you're trash like an emerald isn't a ruby

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