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Thread: Who is your character?

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    Ayithe Solete's Avatar

    Ayithe Solete
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    Who is your character?

    I'm making this thread for a couple of reasons. I get that we all have profiles that we could read, but a profile is a profile, and they can often be bulky be padded out with an awful lot of information. Including attacks and abilities, which unless it's a key part of your story, I'm not looking for that information. Instead, I'm asking about who your character is, what your characters story is, and then ask for any additional key information you want to give, including written threads.

    While there are a few reasons I'm posting this, the main reason is that I'm interested in seeing exactly what type of characters are on Althanas. This should also allow for people to get a better impression of what people's characters are like - potentially letting people consider who they might like the write with, who they possibly maybe didn't even consider previously.

    Feel free to post under multiple accounts with any character who you're happy to write with, and here's my own attempt to help get this started.

    Ayithe Solete:-

    Who is my character?

    I was gonna write a paragraph on this, but instead, I'll take my format from my next level update. I've broken down the key aspects of her personality:

    Strong willed - Ayithe is very strong willed and determined. She refuses to give in and when she has a goal in sight, it is difficult to blind her from it.
    In Love - Ayithe, although partly in denial about it, is in love. Only Raslin makes her heart beat. She has no interest in others, the state of her desire greatly affects her mood.
    Kind - Ayithe is kind hearted. She cares for others and does not wish any harm due to those who do not deserve it.
    Dirty Minded - A rude joke is not lost on Ayithe. She finds this humour amusing and a fun topic to discuss at the appropriate moment.
    Foul Mouthed - Ayithe has no shame of swearing. Upset her, annoy her or surprise her, she'll blurt a full range of obscenities.
    Confident - Ayithe is strong and confident in herself. While fear and intimidation can kick in, she is confident in her own abilities and skills to take it on.
    Fate - Ayithe believes in fate, and that all good will come to those who deserve it. It brought Raslin into her life after all.
    Distrusting - Ayithe is cautious of others, and naturally distrusts upon first meetings. You must earn her trust before she will give it.
    Loyal - Gain that trust and friendship, and she will stand by you. She does not betray her friends.

    What is my character's story? (A bit of history, but also the present and the future.)

    Being born and living within Tylmerande - The Pearl Coast of Corone. Ayithe grew up to train as a fighter, with great dreams and desires to be famous with a blade and win the biggest tournaments within all of Althanas. However, after a conflict of attraction between herself and the Baron of Tylmerande's son, she concluded she could not stay within Tylmerande. For he is not a man who should be refused.

    She left her family and her friends to pursue a new life and has since found her way into the group known as the Red Dragons. After successfully joining the group, and then spending the next few years as a member, she felt her life here was secure. Getting close to a young man called Raslin, she has formed a relationship with him - love and trust is strong between them as he quickly became the most important figure in her life.

    However, one of the Red Dragons known as Zeon started a series of events that led to the Red Dragons destruction. After playing with elements of death and the underworld, Zeon triggered an undead and seemingly unstoppable assassin to hunt them all down. Her friends and fellow members battled and ran for their lives, but slowly, one by one their fate seemed inevitable. Most of the Red Dragons are now dead, though, a few fates remain unknown. Ayithe and Raslin have since fled to discover a way to stop it believing they are the only remaining members alive.

    Currently, Ayithe heads to a mysterious Island called Ietus, instilled with the belief that their answers await her. She has lost Raslin in the most unusual of circumstances and uses her love for him as a strength to drive her way to its discovery, and then their reunion. For if she can find Ietus, she can find Raslin, and then find their lives once more.

    Where is this going?

    The discovery of Ietus and then its secrets will be a big part of her future story. There is a powerful being here, and it all connects to death. There are many possibilities here, but creatures, shape-shifters and a fight for survival looms for her future.

    With the introduction of this new powerful being, Ayithe's story can open up to greater possibilities, and I hope to use this to try to give her the chance to interact with other characters.

    Your style? (If you feel you are not sure, what is it you aim for?)

    I guess I'm still growing here, but I want Ayithe's adventure's to be gritty, hard and at times brutal. She's always been one of most serious storylines I've written, and I want to make it more serious and more emotional, but always ending with a sense of success and achievement for her.

    I'm a sucker for darker storylines, and as things progress I hope I can inject and keep a strong sense the fearful, brutal and unforgiving world she lives in.


    If you fancy reading anything I've done, then Finding Ietus: Tirel, which I'm currently writing, is linked in my signature. I hope that you can all share your own information and even link a few of your favourite stories you've written.

    I'd really like to see and read about some other people's characters. So please share and maybe it'll bring some people together to write?
    Last edited by Ayithe Solete; 08-01-16 at 08:22 PM.
    Ietus Series
    Part 1: - Tirel
    Part 2: - The Dark Tower
    Part 3: -
    Part 4: -
    Part 5: -

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