Hey ladies and gentlemen, Aces and Eights, it’s the soon to be the start of the school year, and with all of the family vacations and trips out of the way that have been tying up our free time, it’s time to get back to the grind. Rayleigh and I are working on some big things for the Hierarchy to start off with a bang, but first we need to know who all is in still! As of right now, everyone has one month to reply to this thread with the role they are currently filling, or are looking to fill, and to verify their interest in staying on with the Tarot. Those of us who fail to do so within the allotted time, will not be kicked out, but will not be noted in the restructured roles thread that is being worked on. If you are still in the middle of doing a recruitment thread, or still need one note this as well, and we will begin movement to wrap that up.

That’s all for now! I look forward to working with you all in our upcoming endeavors.

Vincent Cain- Lord Emperor of the Tarot Hierarchy.