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Thread: Finding Ietus - The Truth in the Lie

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    Ayithe Solete's Avatar

    Ayithe Solete
    Hair Color
    Light brown and blonde
    Eye Color
    Aqua Blue

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    Finding Ietus - The Truth in the Lie

    (Closed to Lorenor)

    Ayithe hung in the torturous position, her arms spread eagle and at full stretch. Her naked body pained and ached from her hanging position, never able to reach the floor beyond her knees and unable to break the steel bonds that held her in position. That burning design in her muscles to pull in her arms and bend her elbows was as excruciating, and inability to protect herself from even shame, let alone harm was one that broke her mentally.

    The smell of burnt flesh arose from the dark shadows around her, and clouds of steam slowly poured up from the dark abyss and out of the spot light creating hole that gleamed in from above her. Her exhausted body lay limp but for the chains holding her in position, but her hands did not grip the chains as the chuffs dug and cut into her wrists from the weight of her collapse - her tired legs unable to hold herself up any long.

    Her naked body dripped with a heavy sweat as her dazed focus stared down at the blood stained stone floor. Wherever she was now, wherever she was imprisoned, it was a place where humanity had not touched before. Her heir hung long over her shoulders and lay partially strewn over her face, heavy and damp with sweat from the over bearing heat that engulfed her naked skin. A deep tear of sorrow escaped her, one filled with regret for coming to this place for safety and answers to her lost love. She felt the tear as it ran down her warm cheeks, quickly making its way to her chin, until it leapt down to her naked breast and travelled down her free skin until gracing the dirty floor by her knees.

    Ayithe wasn't sure how long she had been here for. She had come in search of a few things, but none more important that the reuniting of her lost love - Raslin. Yet he was not here and never had been, for whatever lies had brought her to this place, had since stolen her belongings, stripped her of her clothes, tied her up in these shackles and put her on display in this large dark dank room that held no suggestions to where in the world she was being kept. Yet while she could not protect her own dignity, while she could not hide her personal privacy, only one figure ever entered the room, only one figure had put her here, and she was yet to see anything that suggested he was human.

    The loud echoing clunk of the metal door sounded to its unlocking and was quickly followed by the high pitched shrieking of rusty metal as it swung open. Ayithe's eyes tensed shut as she couldn't cover her ears, and the urge to cover herself up arose once again, she hated being seen like this, her own naked body, her pride and personal space removed and embarrassed just because one had the power to humiliate her.

    The heavy slapping footsteps each burrowed into her fearful mind - was he finally here to exact punishment upon her? Would he hurt her and torture her? Beat her and cut her? Touch her and rape her? She feared them all, but none more than that latter. So far, she was relatively unharmed besides the position she was forced into, but fear, fear had forced its way into her mind as she contemplated exactly what this thing was to do to her. She was lost and alone and nothing and no one could save her.

    A large thud sounded before her as the footsteps came to a holt. Ayithe lifted her tired gaze to see the being she only knew as Ietus stood before her. The large midnight black robes that shielded everything but the black boots that protruded from under the gown. He spoke as if human, but even his hands did not escape from the size and length of the sleeves from this robe. Like a dark priest of the Ethereal Sway his face remained hidden, nothing but a black hole with the occasional spark like a star in the night sky.

    "I have decided upon what I want for you." The deep bellowing tone was rough but clear. He spoke slowly as he stepped aside his newly placed object.

    Ayithe lay her tired eyes upon the small metallic constructed weapon rack that held only one weapon, a sword that upon first look was freshly made and cleaner than anything else within this horrid room.

    "I have decided that I can make great use for yourself, and should you prove your usefulness..." He walked around her, casually ducking under the tightly pulled chain that held her in place. "Then I shall grant you a favour of which will reunite you with the man you seek."

    Ayithe's heart skipped a beat at the promise. She wished she could be anywhere else but here, however, if he could return her to, Raslin. To the man she sought more than anything in the world, then everything would feel right again in the world. But what is he asked me to do?

    "I have the power to do many things," he leaned over her shoulder to put a whisper in her ear. "I believe this will satisfy the reason you came here in the first place. To reunite... with him. Albeit nothing comes for free in this world."

    The robed figure leant back and placed the chuff of his robe on her back. Placing specifically between her shoulder blades at the top of her spine. Ayithe cringed at the touch in the first place, though light and unharmed at first she was then struck with a unbearable pain that felt like a forced burn upon her. Her body tensed and no matter how loud she screamed, and she did scream, the pain did not stop until Ietus decided. Her body, while stiff and rigid for these few moments finally fell limp as the pain subsided.

    Ayithe' heavy breathing returned as she relieved from the pain and all the pressure once gain returned to the cuffs that dug into her wrists once more. A new mark appeared on her back, a defined block capital I with a small sharp cross in its center. This was the mark of Ietus.

    "I have branded you with my mark, and while I possess many abilities of control over you within my presence, this allows me to once press upon you my powers when you are no longer here." He wandered back towards her view as she recovered. "You cannot remove it, you cannot destroy it, so do not try. Should you not heed my words, I will summon you back here and punish you for it. Do you understand?"

    Ayithe tried to hold back the tears, the agonising pain she felt already was enough to remind her that it wasn't worth pushing this any further. She was at his word. "Alright, I understand."

    "Good. Then let me advise you of what I wish." He stood up tall before her, swished his arms nonchalantly and her chains just disappeared from existence. She collapsed with a heavy thud into the damp but warm stone floor. Pulling her arms in she held them across her naked body and chest, scrunching herself up into a tiny protective ball as he watched over her. "You will hunt something down for me. A creature that few have ever seen before, but it is only the first of which you must kill."

    Ayithe didn't look up, but his words fell upon her ears as she tried to ignore the aching pain that took over her sore body. Ietus waited for a moment, then waved his arm calmed above her and the soothing relief that filled her body as the pain was pulled from her made her weep in relief. She stared at her wrists, once cut and bloodied, now healed and clean. Her arms, shoulders and back no longer ached and the tired feeling was lifted. She sat herself up, covering her modesty as best she could and looked up to her captor with a eerie feeling of fear to his incredible power.

    "You will find it and you must kill it. Should you succeed in this task for me. Then I will not only grant you reunion with... Raslin." His voice slowed and teased on his name as the black void under the hood stared down at her. "But I will give you this sword, a sword made by myself within my own personal forge. This grants you certain privileges, but allows you to complete a certain task that I will continue to ask of you and your... Raslin. There is no negotiation. I will teleport you there, you will be returned to how you were when you arrived here and do not fear for being noticed upon arrival, no one will even be aware of it."

    Ayithe felt herself feel light, as if lifted from the floor and hovering above it. A bright light quickly engulfed her position and the dark stone room disappeared along with Ietus himself. She closed her eyes and shielded her face as the high tone of a chime rang in her ears, rising higher and higher as she tensed in pain to its continuous nature. Then, it all fell quiet.

    Ayithe opened her eyes as she felt the rumbling of a wagon, the cold breeze of a strong wind made its way inside but was halted by the blanketed wagon that carried her. The damp smell of wood after heavy rain was clear Ayithe realised she had been transported as quickly as Ietus has told her. The large and long wagon was rather comfortable, the seat cushioned and all luggage sat secure at her feet. A few others, mostly peasants in appearance, sat alongside and opposite her, but it was far from full. No one noticed her arrival, no one looked at her like she shouldn't be there - it was as if she was there all along.

    She looked down at her hands, she was clean and fresh, unharmed and back to normal. Fully clothed and fully armed with all her weapons, her Darling skin attire, her disk blades and wrist guards returned as they were originally. The power of this being, whatever it was, was incredible. She still feared it as she felt relaxed upon where she now sat, knowing that Ietus could recall her at ease. She couldn't see the brand on her back, but she could feel it's warm presence.

    How am I supposed to know what to do?

    Though now free and painless, Ayithe couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling that dwelled within her, pulling her chest lace tight on her attire she then folded her arms over her front as she sat quietly.
    Last edited by Gnarl & Root; 08-26-16 at 10:15 AM.
    Ietus Series
    Part 1: - Tirel
    Part 2: - The Dark Tower
    Part 3: -
    Part 4: -
    Part 5: -

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