Years ago the great country of Raiaera was invaded by an ancient foe long considered dead, the dreaded necromancer Xem'Zund. Appearing seemingly out of nowhere with his menacing fortress, the obsidian tower, Xem'zund unleashed a horde of undead unlike anything the world had ever seen before. Things seemed bleak for the ancient Elven country, but a band of heroes joined together during the Corpse War and put an end to Xem'zund once and for all, permanently killing him by severing his connection to the Tap. However, the heroes have all seemed to vanish, leaving Raiaera in ruins with no traction to begin recovering. With a vile plague consuming most of the land, and the remnants of a government scattered and in hiding, it seems like hope is lost...

However, several forces have begun to move behind the scenes. Following the decisive defeat of the Forgotten One, Pode, the people of Raiaera are on the warpath. Several mercenary bands have formed and begun patrolling the outskirts of the plaguelands in an attempt to keep the undead at bay. Raiaeran politicians who have long since sought asylum in other countries have begun lobbying for aid from their foreign friends, hoping to raise an army for reclaiming the motherland. Some of the world's greatest minds have been gathered by the highly lucrative Raiaeran Restoration Council in an attempt to find a cure for the dreaded blight. However, these people need help!

That's where you come in!

Part of the charm of Althanas is the fact that the world is dynamic, yet it seems like it's been ages since we've banded together to put in the effort to truly change the canon. What I would like to do is get a large group of players together in a player run drive to restore the ancient kingdom of Raiaera to its former glory. What this would involve is a three pronged campaign that will ultimately result in the reclamation of the zombie infested Elruriand. As it stands, the three main objectives are as follows.

Containment: Keep the undead hordes that still wander the diseased wastes from spreading outward and raiding the few people who still live in Raiaera. This will also mean coming up with ways to prevent the spread of the corruption plaguing the land as well. Players participating in containment missions will lead raids on undead hordes and to establish bastions of safety that will end up being the groundwork for new towns when the plague is cured. When the cure is found, the containment team with be on the front-lines in administering it.

Funding and Supply: Killing undead not your fancy? The reclamation efforts need more than just boots on the ground. Soldiers and scientists need to be paid, they need places to stay, and they need food in their bellies. People who participate in funding and supply will help gather coin and goods for the war effort. Players may find themselves needing to lobby foreign countries and power in exchange for help. Players may find themselves having to do favors for people in exchange for aid.

Research: Is your character stupid smart? Are they well versed in the necromatic arts perhaps? The research team is probably for you. ALthanas' brightest minds will gather to research the plague and to create a cure. Members of the research team will work hand in hand with containment to bring in samples to study, set up field research, and possibly venture into the plaguelands to find more research that was previously lost to the world when Eluriand fell. Once a cure has been found, the research team will then focus on how to properly distribute the cure.

Any volunteers, questions, statements, or declarations?