Out of Character:
The day had come, the large vineyard decorated with lovely colors. A sea of colors from the leaves on the trees, reds, yellows, oranges and browns blended beautifully. Round tables peppered inside the large room with golden silk table cloths draped over them. Daffodils and Lillies arranged in a vase skillfully set in the middle of the table. The doors to the building were left open allowing the autumn breeze to give the large ballroom fresh air.

A dance floor sat in the middle with a band on stage and a buffet to the side, suckling pig that had been basting in its own juices for a full day. Assorted meats and cheese along with ripe juicy fruit picked at the peak of its season. Waiters and waitress dressed simply standing around with silver trays full of different drinks, campaign, wines and liquor.

The band started off with a simple melody slightly upbeat and spirit lifting. The crowds started to slowly trickle in as the festivities were slowly starting to begin. A grand ball befitting to hold grand things.