Closed to Lucifer

Amari waved the rugged man off. “No deal.”

His cracked lips turned into a snarl, his bushy, unkempt eyebrows furrowed. “I come all the way out here, freezing my goddamn ass off -” He slammed a gloved hand onto the table. “Just for you to say no deal? Do you have ANY idea who I am?” He spat at her.

Amari shrugged, “Other than uncouth? No.”

“You fuckin’ bitch.” He reached other the table and drew a small dagger. “I’ll cut that fuckin’ face off.”

“Mmm…” Amari glanced toward the roaring fireplace. “That’s nice...” She sounded bored. Barely glancing at him as he waved the rusted dagger to and fro in front of her.

Her blaze’ reaction only angerd the man further. “I’ll do it! Fuckin’ watch me. I’ll-ARGhhhhhh.” Amari grabbed hold of his wrist. His flesh sizzled beneath her grip. Skin began to peel away. “What the fuck are you?” He hissed, trying to pull his hand away.

I am the right hand of Master Lichensith Ulroke of the Crimson Hand. I am not to be messed with. You fuck with the Crimson Hand and you fuck with me.” The skin beneath her grip began to take on a soft green hue. “Pretty sure sellin’ us false information falls under the category of ‘fuckin’ someone over.’ She let him go. “Ya might want to go lay down, poisoning will make yer dizzy. Next time, I won’t be so nice.”

The man teetered where he stood, and tried to slash at her, but he blade missed as he fell backward. Amari calmly put her black leather gloves back on and nestled into the plush chair. Ignoring his muttering. The other bar patrons knew to stay out of any argument that involved the Crimson Hand, so kept their distance.

Amari pulled out a sheet of worn paper, continuing to ignore the sputtering curses from the man as he stumbled and struggled to push himself up. He practically crawled to the bars exit. Cursing her, and claiming he’d give her retribution.

“Miss Red. Why didn’t you just kill him?” A voice asked, it was one of the bar staff who had come to top up her drink. A man well into his 40’s. His blonde hair cut short had wisps of grey. His stubble around his chin a darker blonde, also held a tangle of silver hair. He carefully poured her a hot cup of Earl Grey and set it on the table in front of her.

“Andrew. Thank you.” She picked up the cup and bought it to her lips. “You only bought this in because of me, no?” She asked, her eyes glancing toward him.

Andrew shrugged, “A bar does not normally serve tea, Miss Red. I must say you are the main reason.”

Amari shifted her gaze back to the cup. “I don’t see the point in useless killing.” She glanced over at the man. “Would you rather me do so?”

He awkwardly laughed, and glanced away. “N-No. I uh...appreciate it actually, it’s just - The Crimson Hand are known to be cruel and absolute, you’re not-”

Amari interrupted. “I am. My Master and I simply share different philosophies on the matter.” She waved him off. “Thank you for the drink.”

Amari nestled further into the plush seat and inhaled deeply, enjoying the aroma of the tea.

It was disappointing to see the deal turn sour, but the information the man offered was useless. Ulroke already had knowledge of the other Slavic Nobles. This expedition to town had been a waste of time.

She took a long sip of tea.

Well, almost a waste of time.