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Thread: Fitting In

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  1. #1
    EXP: 12,177, Level: 4
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    Alyssa Snow's Avatar

    Alyssa Dianne Snow
    Hair Color
    Platinum Blonde
    Eye Color
    Pale Blue-Green
    Empress of the Tarot Hierarchy

    View Profile

    Fitting In

    The sea breeze from Beinost's harbor kept the streets cool and welcoming. While not as popular as Etheria Port or Scara Brae in terms of merchant fare, the Necromancer-built city still trafficked its fair deal of business. Much of which either consisted of less than legal activity or high quality wares that catered to the city's ominous yet unparalleled beauty. It fit her, Alyssa Snow, a woman created by crack science under malicious pretenses and forever cursed with hideous deformity.

    The young blond tilted her head to the cloud-covered sun. She pulled the brim of her straw sunhat just low enough to shield her crystaline eyes from the harsh light. The soft seabreeze danced in her long sundress as it fluttered against her ankles. In her hands she held a basket filled with all manners of market fare: crisp bread, bright red apples, paper-wrapped meats, and bundles of leafy greens. Alyssa smiled and breathed in deeply.

    She felt... normal.

    "Howdy, Miss Snow!" Greeted one of her more recent friends, Collin Krasswick, a half-elf carpenter by day.

    "Hi, Collin! How're you today?" She greeted in return. The brunette gentlemen weaved his way through the few passersby on the streets. He stood taller than her by a head with broad but lean shoulders. His linen tunic and sifan apron were peppered with wood shavings and sawdust. Sun glistened off beads of sweat on his forehead as he caught his breath and adjusted his glasses.

    "I'm well, thank you! Can I help you with your groceries?" He gestured calloused, but elegant hands toward her basket of goods. Alyssa half bowed, gently keeping it from his reach.

    "No thank you, I can manage." Collin nodded. "Aren't you working today?"

    "No, well, yeah. I mean, we have a few orders but production is slow until we get more redwood from the Reclaimed Forest. Demand has really spiked since they got rid of Pode."

    Alyssa's smile faltered at the name and she turned away. A moment of silence wedged between the two, filled with the ambiance of Beinost's Main Street. Collin dawned upon his words for a moment, recalling Alyssa's involvement in the affair. His verdant eyes widened and he staggered back with hands held up.

    "Oh! I'm sorry! Sorry..." he apologized with tone drifting lazily into obscurity.

    "No no," responded Alyssa as she offered a feigned smile of comfort. "It's okay. It's a thing of the past."

    "I-I know. I know you don't like talking about it."

    "It's fine, Collin. It's the world now. Everyone is talking about it."

    Another wind of silence wafted between the two, rustling short, brown curls and dancing in long, blonde waves.

    "Tell you what, Collin," Alyssa began. "Why don't you come over for dinner tonight? I know you always frequent that pub down on fifth. I'll make you something fresh and we can catch up."

    The proposal shocked him like a splinter to the finger. His mouth opened but the words failed to spill out.

    "I, uh..." he stammered while attempting to straighten his apron and dust off the debris. It afforded him enough time to collect his thoughts. "S-sure, Ms. Snow. I'd appreciate that."

    "Alyssa," she corrected with a smile and helped to pick off a shaving from his hair. "I'll see you tonight then."

    They shared a warm smile to one another. Collin nodded.

    "Now go, I'm sure there's something you can work on in the shop." The young girl shooed him with a wave toward his little place of business, Knots & Knurls. Collin chuckled softly, rosen in the cheeks.

    "Yes, ma'am," he replied, catching himself mid-error. "Alyssa..."

    Then, he disappeared into the darkness of his workshop. The petite blonde shook her head and continued down the streets. She weaved past the elegant structures of elvish and dark magic origin. Iridescent onyx shimmered as if coated in opalescent gems and archways twisted and turned to elegant yet haunting filigree. The residential district, while much less grandiose compared to Main Street, still boasted hints and accents of Beinost's unique history.

    Somewhere a few doors past Aeriendale Street and Terrabella Way, Alyssa stepped onto the patio of a small residence. With a key produced from a hidden pocket in her dress, she unlocked the door to her humble home. The girl halted with the door wedged partially ajar. Her eyes listed to the harbor where the Althanian sun crested along the blue horizon. Out there, across the sea, her memories sailed to another land. A face that pained her expression - one she longed to see again, but resolved she knowingly would have to avoid.

    For if she did see him again, the reaper's bell would toll and one of them would walk across the veil.

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