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Thread: Castiel Lucifer Level_2

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  1. #1
    EXP: 3,500, Level: 2
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next level: 1,500
    Level completed: 50%,
    EXP required for next level: 1,500
    Lucifer's Avatar

    Castiel Lucifer
    Ar'Tuel; Human
    Hair Color
    Snow White
    Eye Color
    Blood Red
    6'2 / 184
    Order of the Dusk

    Castiel Lucifer Level_2

    Name: Lucifer (Formally Castiel)
    Age: 21 (Host) Aeons (Real age)
    Race: Ancient Ar'tuel
    Hair Color: White
    Eye Color: Blue (Host) Red (Lucifer) Gold (Castiel)
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 184 Pounds
    Occupation: Founder of the Order of the Dusk


    Lucifer is what humans would call handsome. His skin is flawless (unlike other corrupted Ar'tuel who normally have red or black cracks in their skin), his features are soft yet rigged, and his hair is snow white. He has a slightly lean build and is tall for typical humans. The typical Ar'tuel insignia is burned onto his hosts chest. Disregarding the host, Ar'tuel's are ethereal beings that appear to be glowing orange/golden spirits. However once corrupted as Castiel was, their orange turns black, in lucifers case his spirit had turned red, along with the hosts eyes changing from its innocent blue to a bleeding red, being affected by his soul.


    Castiel was one of the oldest Ar'tuel to exist and was apart of the 'Ancient Order of the tree blood' which was founded by 6 elders. It's primary function was to work on relations between the Ar’tuel and other various races, both ethereal and physical. It was their duty to record the knowledge of the Ar’tuel, and to ensure the race flourished; sending younglings off to spread life and mana to the world as well as be a guide for those who needed it. They did this for many millennia and watched over the earth as it flourished. However, over time, Castiel became fixated on the behaviours of the mortal beings. He witnessed countless wars and struggles, the mortal nature of lying and stealing, everyone seemed to be too fixated on their finite existence and forgot the value of the lives that others held. Those with good hearts were simply destined to corrupted or be taken advantage of.

    The more he watched, the more he began to challenge the other elders. The elders however didn't see what he saw, they didn't fully understand how wicked men were. The Ar'tuel used to walk the earth before humans, and as such he felt as though his race was driven out by them, along with the other (what he considers lesser) beings. He believes the Ar'tuel shouldn't hide in fear and live to serve people as pitiful beings who are slowly dying away. This feeling of anger and resentment and love for his own kind was what turned his soul red, and from there his power to heal was turned to harm once his vibrations changed from love to despise. His new outlook was not in line with the Ar'tuels philosophy and as such he metaphorically fell from their grace and became what some mortals would come to call Lucifer. Soon enough he tempted other Ar'tuels to join his cause in the order of the dusk and their souls turned black. With his coven of Ar'tuel and careful plotting, he plans to exterminate all mortal creatures and claim back the Earth which had been defiled by them.

    Lucifer met a woman named Aynur who he had thought to be an innocent soul with good intentions, but upon discovering his brother trapped within her orb he snaps and begins to torture her. He learns her true purpose and what the orb was for and realised he made a mistake. He then begins to travel with her, learning more about humans from her and also teaching her about the Ar'tuel. He decides that it would be in everyone's best interest if he left her alone and take the orb for himself. Lucifer returns the one of the caves under the control of the order of dusk and finds his members torturing Aynur. Completely frustrated he orders them to stop and tries his hardest to help her, but with her life left on the brink of death he is forced to call Amari for help. Once she had been healed thanks to Amari, he decides staying with Aynur would be best for her, and for some reasons unknown to him, tries to convince her to live here own life instead of having hers tied to the orb forever.

    Personality: Lucifer is cunning and charming, his voice is smooth like honey and as soft as the coo of a dove. Everything about him is designed to allure those around him, from his looks to his natural ability as an Ar'tuel. However, this natural allure is just a mask, hiding his lustful megalomaniac thirst for power and desire to end all mortal life. Lucifer never lies but bends the truth, and is virtuous in his own right. Lucifer is a bit more understanding now and is willing to be more patient with others to discover their true intent instead of assuming it.


    Tracking: Exceptional
    Lucifer is able to connect himself with the earth and communicate with it. Natural tracking signs such as broken twigs, footprints, toiled earth, and more, are all especially apparent to him.

    Charisma: Exceptional

    Emotional perception Exceptional
    Lucifers ethereal nature allows him to connect with and feel the souls of other people, thus he is more sensitive to the emotions of those people. Things such as lying, sadness, pain, are natural for him to pick up. (This does not mean he can read minds, but simply feel the same emotions others do)

    Economics: He decided to pay a bit more in depth attention to the world around him. Economics was rather easy for him to pick up as he understands the greedy nature of humans. With this understanding he can use his charisma and knowledge to barter goods for a profit reliably.


    Ar'Tuel Abilities

    Presence of the Elder Lv:2 (Passive)
    As an Elder Ar'Tuel, Lucifer possess a profound aura which brings on a sense of serenity and peace to those around him. His love for the Earth is most clear as this part of himself is still uncorrupted. His life-force spills into the flora around him and invigorates them. This also works on animals, such as humans and other mortal beings. Though while less effective on people, it still is strong enough to influence a sense of trust (However the people influenced are still free to make their own decisions). The stronger this aura becomes, the greater influence he has over the people around him. However, this aura is lost when using its corrupted counterpart. This influence can be used once every 3 posts.

    (Simply becomes more influential, people are still free to make their own decisions. Still remains at once every 3 posts)

    Corrupted At'tuel Abilities

    Will of the Corrupted Lb:2
    As the first corrupted Ar'Tuel, Lucifers natural aura of peace and serenity are completely polarised. In an instant all living things near him become terrified, a type of fear that makes the heart skip a beat and make knees buckle as well as causing mass hysteria. The strength of this aura depends on the will of the person under its effect, those with strong wills will only show mild physical reactions such as flinching, sweating, and an increased heartbeat, while those with weaker wills will simply crumble. This allows Lucifer to pacify weaklings who'd waste his time. This aura can be used once every 3 posts.

    (Fear works on level 1 & 2 characters. Slightly puts off level 3 characters. Still remains at once every 3 posts.)

    Despise of the Corrupted Lv:2
    The natural ability to heal those around him is lost in corruption and polarised. Now instead of healing those he touches, he causes them intense pain comparable to that of a black widow bite, at the area touched. At this stage the damage occurs around the site touched, and creates 3rd degree burns. This requires skin to skin contact to take effect, and only when it is willed. Lucifer can use this on a person once every 4 posts with the effects lasting up to 4 posts, and on a different person after 2 posts.

    (2nd degree burns to 3rd degree burns. Not just a handprint type burn but burns a small area around the touch skin. Still remains at once every 4 posts with effects lasting 4 posts and usable on a different person after 2 posts.)

    Eye of the emperor:
    Lucifer has the ability to make a single victim fall into a trance by making eye contact with them. In this trance Lucifer is able to create a world of his liking and show them visions. Whether it be to create a world where he is free to torture them as much as he likes or to create a perfect world where everything is as his target wants it to be. While in this trance the persons body is paralysed for one post, time within the trance moves a lot slower, where one real second may be one illusive day. Lucifer can only use this once on a person per thread and only on one target per post. What ever happens within the trance does not happen to the persons physical body, although they may instinctively react to some things they see such as twitching.

    Divine sight:
    Lucifer focuses the mana in his body to enhance his ocular prowess. This allows him to see and process information 3 times faster than a regular human can and keeping up with the movements of those normally too fast to comprehend, and his field of vision is increased to 90 degree's. Using divine sight slowly drains Lucifers mana and the longer he uses it the worse its after effects. At 1-2 posts Lucifer won't receive any backlash, at 3-4 he will experience a lot of eye strain and have difficulty focusing, at 5-6 Lucifer will experience temporary blindness for 2 posts then eye strain for another 4 before returning to normal. While blind or experiencing eye strain he cannot use other ocular abilities. (Negatives effects apply after deactivating the ability, max amount of posts is 6.)

    Equipment: N/A

    Familiars: Dusk Ravens tend to flock near him. Dusk ravens are typical ravens apart from a dark red tinge to their feathers and bright crimson eyes. They're typically an omen of death, and a sign that Lucifer is near. Purely vanity.
    Last edited by Lucifer; 01-18-17 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Made it read better, added some clarity.
    This world, is rotten.

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