Ettermire was truly the technological marvel. Steam engines pumped every where, air ships floated above in large flocks. The noise and smoke of industry rose above the din of sentient's that swarmed the streets. With all of the technology and industry also came the negatives the smoke from the factory made creosote and clogged the smoke stacks. The water used to quench molten pieces of machinery mixed with chemicals and were sluiced through to a drainage to the river with plenty of abandoned apartments and houses near the factories that no one but the dregs wanted to be. The enumerable people going about their own business filled bin after bin full of refuse and with this crush of humanity came the vermin and worse things...

Jethro had been drawn to Ettermire like most people in what he liked to consider to be his profession; there were creatures that were preying on citizens that the local constabulary couldn't hope to contend with. He meandered through the city observing the denizens as they went about their business hurrying more and more by the hour it seemed like. He thought to himself ~no one stops to smell the roses any more.~ It was a sad fact of convince and desire for money no one stopped to appreciate things.

Jethro paused in his walk to watch a pair of crows harass one another in some sort of game when all of a sudden klaxons began to sound from one of the factories. The citizens in their disinterested blood lust instead of running immediately began to gawk about in the vain hope of seeing a fatality this was followed by a knee jerk panic from the first explosions.

Too late part of one of the factories erupted sending flaming cinders the size of a mans fist or bigger raining down on abandoned apartment buildings, barrels of industrial waste and production chemicals. Fires began to spread through out the abandoned buildings. Most of the citizenry ran or froze but some snapped out of it and started chain gangs and water pumps trying to beat the fires back while they were small.

Jethro after a few moments of thought sprinted toward one of the burning apartment buildings.