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Thread: A Passage Beyond the Coast (Closed to Lorenor)

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  1. #1
    Hamlet7768's Avatar

    Hair Color
    Dark Brown
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    5'11, 155 lbs

    A Passage Beyond the Coast (Closed to Lorenor)

    Lanterns flickered around the Ruby Hawk, casting the patrons in shades of warm light and shadow. A baker led the people in a rousing ode to alcohol and its wonders. The whole tavern either joined in the song or studiously blocked it out. The newest arrival chose the latter course of action, sliding through the crowd like water through cracked stone.

    One hand stayed on her sword out of habit, while the other drove ahead to create her path. She ignored the mutterings around her, hoped none of them were for her. Her maille shirt was in her room, but she still wore her gambeson to insulate and mask her figure. That and her page's bob, with her height, would prevent a second look from anyone with more than two drinks in them. She didn't need attention, not tonight.

    She reached the serving counter with no trouble, but with no money in hand. She called for a server by name. He turned, recognized her, and shook his head. She motioned him over.

    "Naught to Raiaera," he said. "Th'all want coin."

    She expected that, so she had a response ready. "Anywhere else?"

    He thought for a moment. "Still just paid in service?" Her look answered that question. "Awright, gimme sec, aye?"

    She nodded. He left. She waited.

    He returned. "There's one. And you're in luck. They have a passenger staying here, very influential to the captain. I'll talk to him. Wait here."

    She waited some more. He came back, led her to a back room. Her hand stayed on her sword, afraid this was a trick. He opened the door and addressed some foreign words to the room's occupant, then beckoned her in.

    A faint blue glow illuminated the room, along with an oil lamp burning white-orange. The blue came from the room's sole occupant. He was plainly robed, but he looked anything but plain, even seated so humbly. His stout frame reminded her of a dwarf, but he was far too tall for a dwarf. When he turned, she saw electric blue eyes, brighter than the light. The lamp cast his features in eerie shadows. The overall effect was tremendously forbidding.

    Perhaps that was why she bowed so deeply as she introduced herself. "I am Beatrix. I seek passage off this island. I can pay with service as a hired sword."
    Last edited by Hamlet7768; 02-10-17 at 06:16 PM.

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