The snow fell lightly to the ground and stuck to the trees and branches on the way down from the sky. Godfrey sat near a fire cooking up some stew while examining his blade. He was on a simple task just to patrol the area in the woods make sure nothing suspicious was stirring up around Knife's Edge.

Godfrey had been outside in the forest for some time now and it seemed rather quiet.

" soup is done lets see where did I put my spoon oh well who needs one." Godfrey said and held the cold bowl to his lips and tilted it back till the warm liquid touched his lips. Godfrey began to slowly sip down the soup.

"Ahhhhh." Godfrey said letting a deep breath of hot air run out of his chest into the cold air which now made his breath visible.

Godfrey finished up with his soup and placed the bowl on the ground. He was starting to think that there was no need in even patrolling the boarders of Knife's Edge it seemed as if no one or no thing really ventured by these parts and posed no harm to him or Knife's Edge but he continued to wait a while longer.