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Thread: A Lore Guardian's Love

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  1. #11
    Our Enemies Rest
    EXP: 12,030, Level: 4
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    Level completed: 61%,
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    Fez_The_Kid's Avatar

    Azaranth "Anubis" Ubissad
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    6'0" / 180 lbs

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    A beacon of life showed in Azaranth’s sullen face, and accompanying that beacon was his undying gratitude to the man called Joshua Cronen. Breaker. From the very beginning, the man seemed ready to help the hapless monster-hunter and was even kind enough to fend off the potential threat that was the dubious farmer. He owed him so much that even he, Azaranth, did not know how he was going to repay the warrior.

    Nevertheless, although a minute detail, something about Breaker had piqued Azaranth’s interest. Something about the man was… different.I'm guessing this guy is not normal. Well, not that I am either, but I’d say he’s a different kind of ‘not normal.’ Exactly what kind, though, I’ll never know by just guessing. And did he say ‘so you could keep up?’ Interesting. Most warriors I've known're pretty quick for their race, but never could someone match any horse for its speed.

    Azaranth shifted in his saddle, getting a feel for his provisional mount. The bone-white animal was motionless beneath him, its leg muscles twitching under mottled skin. Without a word, he set his horse into motion, guiding it up the ruined, snow-covered road and out of the village. Even though he could not see Breaker in his swiftness, Azaranth knew his new acquaintance was not far behind. Or, rather, ahead, if he’s quick enough. Regardless, he knew that the warrior would hear him if he was loud enough. “Hey!” he called out. “Got a minute?”

    The space directly next to Dandelion shuddered, and a swift blur of shadow emerged. The mare cantering and indifferent to his sudden appearance, Breaker’s face now leveled Azaranth an eager stare. “What is it?”

    Although he wished to learn more about the man’s unnatural speed, the Salvarian opted to make nothing of the subject. “About my being a distraction - tell me more. You’ll get the Fae. What happens then?”

    Breaker seemed to thoroughly calculate his words, for, it seemed, he too knew their weight. “I’ll leave Myra and her followers for you to deal with. Avenging your friends is not my business.”

    Azaranth studied Breaker for a moment, then turned his gaze to the road. They had traveled some distance from the village, before them a trail leading to a mountainside wood. “You’re right. Make sure that this one survives if I don’t make it, though.” He gestured toward the mare, his gaze wrought with pathos. “Kind of that farmer to give me it.”

    Breaker merely nodded, then added, “I’ll wait for you ahead when I find Myra and her group. Just keep your eyes peeled if you don’t want to accidentally stumble onto them.” He suddenly vanished, though hear him Azaranth still could. “There isn’t much planning to this, in any case.”

    True, the Salvarian responded in thought, feeling another wrench in his stomach as the image of his fallen comrades rose once more before his mind’s eye. Just you wait, everyone. I’m going to avenge you all.

    He exhaled, the air painful as it left his lungs.

    Or die trying.
    Last edited by Fez_The_Kid; 02-11-17 at 05:01 PM.
    "I’m not a sophisticated person - I don’t think much. Hunters don’t think. They act, and they do it without any hesitation whatsoever. It’s a predominant principle among all trackers of the beasts. We do most of the dirty work. Thinking? Leave it to the philosophers."


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