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    Seto's Avatar

    Shratar (Symbiote)
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    Humble Servent

    The Shratar

    This is a character reboot. I'm fleshing out his original idea into something more playable. Please let me know if anything is screwy.
    Name: Seto
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male (If he had to choose)
    Race: Shratar

    Personality: The Shratar are driven by one thing, survival. Seto is no different in the sense he will do whatever necessary in order to remain bound to a host. Furthermore Seto feeds on adrenaline and tends to influence his host into any situation where they would otherwise be exerting that sweet sweet adrenaline. Baring the ideas above Seto is a loyal servant to whoever he is currently bound to wishing only for the best for them and himself in the process.

    Appearance: Shratar are a race of sentient amorphous biomass, thus Seto appears as a blob of green goop. Like others of his kind Seto is able to move freely and are relatively sticky like bubble gum, though this isn't to any degree that would aid him in combat. In fact while unbound and without a host Seto can do nothing other that skulk around and hunt for his next vessel.

    History: Seto is the last of his kind, the last of the Shratar. Once others of his kind existed and plagued the lands of Athanas many many years ago. Though sadly they were systematically hunted down and over time the name Shratar was forgotten as they nearly ceased to exist. Seto managed to survive by hiding his presence inside a young elf girl durring this great purge. By avoiding the temptation to devour the young elf, instead Seto slept dormant until the day he could once again prowl the lands of Athanas.

    Recently Seto bonded with Frank Bell, a mercenary from Corone, who he has grown quite attached to. To Seto’s liking Frank is a murderous brute who enjoyed the thrill of battle. This proved to be perfect as he produced enough adrenaline to sustain Seto ten fold. Now Frank travels the land and with Seto’s influence reaps havoc wherever and whenever he pleases.


    Symbiotic Knowledge- Once bound to a host Seto has access to all the knowledge that the host possess. This is only as long as he is bound to that person.

    Symbiotic Communication- Seto can mentally commune with his host at any time while bound.


    Symbiotic Relationship- Being a Shratar Seto is capable of making bonds with other creature. This takes the form of a symbiotic relationship where Seto takes refuge within the body of the host, feeding on their healthy cells. While simultaneously lending their unique abilities to their host and fueling their negative emotions. This can only be applied to living creatures with the nutrients Seto need to survive. While bound the host is able to conjure Seto as a full body suit aesthetically altering their appearance. To form a bond Seto must make skin contact with whomever is to be his next host. For a willing host this process is over almost instantly as Seto is absorbed through the skin. For a target less than willing this takes the better part of a day before Seto forces himself upon them. While bound Seto's life force is directly connected to his host and upon the death of a host Seto must evacuate the corpse within a day or so. (OOC permission to apply this to one’s character of course) (Max 1 host change per day.)

    Biomass Tendrils- Seto can freely create tendrils from his biomass. These tendrils can extend out in any direction for a maximum of 6 feet. These tendrils are the strength of iron weapons which allows him to skewer enemies. His tendrils are not limited to purely attacking as they can lift any object that he or his host can lift. (Max 2 at a time, 4 per day)

    Strength- Seto’s influence boosts the host physical strength by roughly double. This allows his hosts the ability to lift their own body weight (and equipment) with easy aswell as giving their physical attacks the ability to dent iron armor.


    Seto is not capable of combat while unbound to a host.

    Fire- Seto and all of his biomass is very susceptible to fire taking 3x damage from all fire bases attacks.

    (Current Host)

    Name: Frank Bell
    Age: 34
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human (Coronian)

    Personality: Frank is a very single minded and blunt person. When he has his mind set on something it is near impossible for him to let it go. While this is important for Seto it is his genuine emotion that is the greatest allure for the parasite.

    Appearance: Frank stands tall at six and a half feet weighing in just over two hundred pounds. He is an absolute brute of a man with dark tanned skin. He has brown hair and eyes and his body is riddled with battle scars.


    Swordplay- Frank is proficient with his great sword. He is quite good at using its size to his advantage by parrying and blocking with it.

    Heavy Armor​- Frank has grown so accustomed to wearing his heavy gear he hardly notices it anymore.


    Iron Greatsword- A massive sword nearly as tall as Frank himself. Made from iron and forged in Corone.

    Heavy Iron Chestplate- A heavy piece of armor protecting his torso.

    Rucksack- A simple bag filled with simple survival items such as provisions, a rope, and a few articles of clothing.
    Last edited by Seto; 04-07-17 at 08:20 PM.

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