As Molotov saw the squire’s counter, he would have laughed out loud had speaking not been so difficult. All the adrenaline and fear that had begun to pulse through is body almost immediately faded away. “And to believe I almost thought you might be a challenge for me,” Molotov snickered to himself. The mutant kept this snide remark silent, only because of the injury to his face. Otherwise, he would have most assuredly said had it out loud. From the squire’s retorts, Molotov could tell he was dealing with a boy without much experience in these matters. The mutant had known it was only a matter of time before he’d cajoled the squire into doing something stupid, and now he’d had his guarantee.

First, the squire had gone into a needless spin. The attack was aimed for the shins, and Molotov knew well enough that if he dodged it by a jump he might be in for a bit of trouble. The ground was uneven, and with his opponent down low, he would be in a dangerous position when he landed. Instead, he stomped down upon the blade, bringing his foot up just enough so that he would dodge the initial attack and then catch the blade underneath him.

Molotov’s eyes glowed with pleasure. He tore off his hood and sunglasses, revealing his brightly colored mohawk and icy cool eyes. There was a collective gasp from the audience, people who Molotov had been paying limited attention to until that point. Now he chuckled, as he could imagine what was going through their heads. “They’re wondering what’s next for me after this,” Molotov knew. “And bloody how its going to effect each and every one of their sodded useless lives…” He didn’t doubt already that one or two of the nobles in the audience were already planning to kill him, and that made the mutant snicker with glee.

He may have been gone, but he was not forgotten. His spirits raised and he couldn’t help but speak, even though the injury to his face had spread blood down all over his neck.

“You should have just fought the blonde…” Molotov said as he pulled back on his tungsten rod. “She probably would have fallen for a two bit attack like that.”

He chuckled, and then lashed the rod straight for the foolish squire’s temple.