Raksha the Swordsman

Real Name: Raksha
Known As: “Rak, Raksha”
Age: 16
Apparent Age: 29
Race: Seeker (chi-k-er Meaning ‘The Race’)
Gender: Male
Weight: 150kg
Height: 6’5”

Raksha, or just Rak is a tall humanoid with course, slightly tanned skin. His eyes are pure white, and he has several white marks on his body. He appears as much older than he actually is, his race mature quickly but then their ageing slows down until they become far older than they appear.

Race Information:
Seeker’s are a humanoid species standing on average six feet tall for males and five feet ten for females. Males have rough and slightly abrasive skin, the females much smoother. They tend to weigh in excess of 100kg for males and 90kg for females. Their most noticeable difference to humans is their complete lack of hair. In order to mix with other races some females wear headdresses or even wigs.

Raksha is a kind and easy going man with a strong sense of justice and right and wrong. His idealism can lead him to be duped, but he generally escapes thanks to his natural skills.

Character History

Deep in the Jagged Mountains north of Radasanth an egg started to crack, slimy green liquid oozed out. The egg had been formed three months prior when two creatures had secreted a mixture of chemicals and protein. The chemicals reacted to the air forming a hard shell and now, after the chemicals had created the life form, a small hand pushed through the egg and into the air. The shell fragmented and spit and the small white body emerged.

The little white humanoid stumbled across the cave floor and looked around. The large cavern was sparsely populated with more eggs, but all were silent. The creature followed the light streaming from the front of the cave and emerged into the world. Two other Seekers turned to see the first youngling of the season.

~ ☼ ~

The years past and the young creature grew up. His brothers and sisters had hatched a month later, and he had continued a trend of early development. The creature was told he was a Seeker; a subterranean race that lived even deeper in the mountians than many dwarfs. The name given to him by his parents was Raksha, after his great-grandfather, a hero of their people who also bore the same light coloured skin. Seekers normally came in four colours, brown, white, gold and black. Although no Seeker was ever born gold or black, they were colours of someone who had chosen either the most virtuous or villainous life. White Seekers, while uncommon, appeared as throwbacks, often coming one or two per thousand Seekers. They could be considered similar to a human born with one green and one blue eye.

Rak’s life was good. His mother and father treated their young well as they travelled through the mountains. Raksha was told of how his great-grandfather escaped an attack on his hatching cave which took the lives of everyone else in the brood. The Seeker went on to re-unite the scattered remains of his people and form the first surface dwelling tribe. Once every five cycles the breeding adults would leave the main tribe and travel out into the mountains to find a suitable cave.

After the hatching of their young they spend one to two months with the children before returning to the main tribe. During his time with the tribe Rak joined the warriors and practiced with the sword and shield. His life was easy, fun even. He excelled with his weapon training, but lacked the magical abilities that were common place among his people.

As was common among his tribe, upon his tenth birthday he set out to explore the world. His father gave him two gifts, his shield and his great-grandfather’s sword. With them and a few provisions Raksha set out to explore the world.

Swordsmanship: Raksha is very skilled with a sword, using it either by itself or in combination with his shield.

Fighting: While he lacks the same edge as a trained martial artist, Raksha has developed a keen fighting style.


Strength: Rak is heavy and strong. He can lift close to twice his body weight and strike twice as hard as the average man (2x strength).

Speed: An young life spent training with others of his kind allowed him to build up his speed. His strikes are as fast as strong, and he moves with focused speed (3x speed).

Choose your Weapon: Raksha has the unique ability to call forth the sword he wishes to use in his battle. He may choose between any of the swords, either in this profile or acquired since, but he may not attack or defend with a sword that has only been brought out. In this way, he may not use a sword to instantly block, or attack. He must wait until the following post to use it.

Emerald Swords: Raksha summons copies of his emerald sword from above his head and sends them flying at a target. He may summon one sword at a time, the strength of steel for a total of three swords a day. The swords strike with the force of twice a normal sword thrust.


The Emerald Blade:
This blade is craft from a mysterious rock and wielded by the original Raksha to defend his Tribe. The blade is a large two handed, one edged sword the strength of steel. (I’ve removed the sword’s ability and moved it under the character’s abilities to comply with the changed rules, I’ve left the rest of the sword the same.)

The Defender:
This is a large steel shield in a diamond shape with a large semi-circle cut from the top. It was Rak’s father and given to him when he left the village.

Shoulder Guard:
A steel shoulder guard, used mostly to brace against his shield.

Sword of Flowers: (Received)
An adamantine sword that contains the essence of Talen Shadowalker. The sword will appear on the wielder's person at the beginning of each post if it is more than a metre from him/her. Physically, the sword is double edged, somewhat the size of a falcon. Unlike many other weapons, the sword is a coppery gold colour, from hilt to blade. There are also a number of small flower emblems on the blade, and one on the hilt.

Abysmal Cutter: (Received)
This falcon sword is made of Prevalida, but the enchantment has left it black as night. The sword has a white tassel at the end, with some white detail across the hilt. This sword is able to produce dark copies of itself that cut through the air towards their target. They strike with the force they were swung with, and will change direction slightly (two-three metres) to meet movements of the target. While only able to deliver normal sword strikes in the attack, the sword can perform the feat eight times a day.

Angry Punch Gauntlets: (Received)
Two damascus gauntlets that stretch up over each arm to the shoulder. Each gauntlet has a sharp edge along the length of each finger and extending past the end as a claw. The gauntlets have fire magic imbued into them, allowing them to send blasts of fire from the fists four times (each gauntlet) every four hours. It is intended to be used with the punch connecting, but it will continue a foot from the edge of the gauntlet if it misses. The fire will do second degree burns if it strikes directly, or first degree burns if hit with the foot-long fire blast.

Solar Flare Shades: (Received)
A special set of glasses with tinted glass. As well as protecting the eyes from powerful light sources, they also absorb this light and can release it with a flash of blinding light twice a day. This flash of light will dazzle anyone looking, making them temporary blind for a post afterwards in most cases.

Iron Caltrops: (Received)
40 little spiked shapes that when thrown will always land with one spike sticking up.