
It was good to be back on my home continent, no more Salvar, no more frigid wastelands, no more freaky ass people with black souls, no more warehouses filled with bloodied bodies and most of all, no more snow. Fuck snow. Thankfully right now, was the near opposite of that watery, icy crap.

It was a warm, sunny day in Corone, high noon if I was not mistaken. I welcomed the feeling of the sun against the back of my neck, and my bare arms and legs. "Mmmm~" I gave a low, satisfied purr as I stretched my arms high over my head and arched my back, yawning. Being in the sun always made me sleepy.

Sure...I had to go to Radasanth, and I did have to go find someone from the Ixian Knights to hand over the patch of clothing tucked safely away in my shoulder bag, but... I didn't specify that I'd run toward the place. I was close, and close was good enough. Right? I feebly covered my mouth as I yawned. The warmth made me sleepy, my azure ears pressed back against my head as I glanced lazily to and fro, seeing if there were any nearby places suitable for a catnap.

"Well that's no good, no good at all." I muttered to myself, seeing nothing. I don't know what I expected to see, I was on the outskirts of Radasanth. There was nothing more than a road, a few tufts of grass, and an uninteresting figure looming in the distance, and I couldn't very well sleep on top of a stranger now could I?

...well, it wouldn't be the first time, but that person was unconscious, and made for a very poor pillow. Still, it was better than a rock, or the middle of the road.

"Hoiiiii~" I called out, unsure if the distant figure could hear me, especially with my poor tradespeak. "You person!? You make good pillow for Eteri?"

It was worth a shot, right?