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Thread: Pushing my luck

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  1. #1
    Non Timebo Mala
    EXP: 126,303, Level: 15
    Level completed: 46%, EXP required for next level: 8,697
    Level completed: 46%,
    EXP required for next level: 8,697
    Letho's Avatar

    Letho Ravenheart
    Hair Color
    Dark brown, turning gray
    Eye Color
    Dark brown
    6'0''/240 lbs
    Corone Ranger

    Pushing my luck

    So, I figure people might be getting annoyed by my recruitment threads popping up by now, but I had this idea for a Power Group (Clans now, I guess) that I wanted to start just before I disappeared years ago. And the fact that I still want to try it years later tells me that either it’s a decent idea or I’m the type of person who can’t let go of the past. Might be the latter. Wouldn't be the first time. We'll see.

    I’m also quite aware that people might be wary of joining any venture of someone who just returned after a long period of activity and who left a lot of things unfinished when he left. All I can offer is my apologies for not finishing those things (though most of those people are not around anymore, I guess) and assurance that unless something drastically changes, I’m here to stay for the long haul.

    At any rate, I want to create a group of hunters whose sole purpose would be bringing monsters down. To use MMO terminology, it would be a strictly PvE group, but one that might end up offering their services to other members as well. The way I see it, on Althanas there are always people on the lookout for a specific material or item, and it can be hard to find people with the right skill set to help you get it. This group could end up offering that assistance, for a modest price.

    But first, we would need to establish the group with active membership before we get into offering services to anyone. I would initially just a handful of people and do a recruitment thread with them. Once those are done, all four of us will do the first official Clan thread, which would revolve around getting ourselves a real base of operations: an airship.

    The ranks within the membership will be based on the number of hunts they end up doing for the group. And each rank will most likely give you access to something within the group. Do check the info below. Also, moderate activity is required. You don’t have to be able to post very often, but around once a week. It's not a terribly strict goal, but one to aim for.

    What follows is a summary of what the group will be about. The name is a bit shit, but I couldn’t come up with a better one off the top of my head.


    Menel Govannen – The Fellowship of the Sky

    Mission Statement

    Menel Govannen are a group of gifted individuals who took upon themselves the task of ridding the face of Althanas of all things abominable and monstrous. We are not goons for hire or assassins, and we don't hunt for sport. We render the hunting services to the public of Althanas for a price, we get to choose which hunts we do, and we get to name the price. We also generally don’t involve ourselves with affairs of the governments and various wars between factions. As such, we are not interested in conflict with other Clans, unless directly provoked. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t hunt the long pig given the right circumstances. After all, sometimes a man is a wolf to man.


    There is no restriction when it comes to joining other Clans while being a member of the Menel Govannen, as I have no intention to get into the Clan War business. However, in the unlikely event that such a thing happens, any member is free to choose which Clan they will be fighting for. But should they choose a Clan that directly opposes us, their membership will be terminated.

    Menel Govannen Ranks

    Recruit Hunter – a member who has completed at least one hunt. Trainee hunters gain access to the Armory. Recruitment threads are counted as hunt threads, should they end up being hunts (and they probably always will in one way or another).

    Adept Hunter – Adept rank is obtained once a member completes a total of three hunts, one of which he or she organizes. Adept hunters have access to the Lab.

    Professional Hunter – Professional rank is obtained once a member completes a total of five hunts, one of which he or she organizes and one of which is a major hunt. Professional hunters get a pegasus permanently bound to their character. (I'll see how exactly we'll go about this, depending on the spoils we end up receiving from the pegasus gathering thread/treasury income/other factors. Worst case scenario, I'll look into buying some from the Bazaar if possible, but I reckon it won't come to that).

    Master of the Hunt – rank reserved for the leader of the Menel Govannen. Letho Ravenheart is the current Master of the Hunt.

    Major Hunts

    Every three months or thereabouts (depending on activity and posting speed), the Master of the Hunt is required to organize a Major Hunt. Major Hunts will usually be targeting large, massively powerful monsters that will require a lot of work to bring down. Every member of the group is encouraged to join the Major Hunts, though it is not obligatory to do so. Some of the Major Hunts might be Boss Battles, but we’ll see how it goes.

    Minor Hunts

    Minor Hunts are threads that members do with either some other members of the Clan or members outside the Clan that recruited them. I’ll put up some Hunts once we get a base of operations, but you are free to come up with your own. Keep in mind that any thread labeled as an official Hunt would allow Clan members access to the Armory and the Lab (if they have sufficient rank). More on those two below.

    Hunt Spoils:

    25% of the gold earned during the official hunts goes into the Menel Govannen treasury (well, should there be a concept of Clan treasury in the Clan Rules, if not I'll have it added to my account and keep a transparent track of it in an official clan thread of some sort). Also, it is required of every member that completes a hunt to acquire a certain component from the monster he or she slain if it’s possible to do so. So if a member slays a werewolf, for example, he or she should request a part of the werewolf as a spoil that would go into the Lab’s inventory (preferred components are blood, bones, marrow, fangs, brains, scales, but anything you think could work in an alchemical concoction is acceptable).

    Features that will become available once we set up our base of operations:

    The Armory

    The Armory is a joint inventory of the Menel Govannen. Every member of the group can choose to place some of their items in the Armory, thus allowing their companions to use them. These items can only be used on official hunts. You don’t lose possession of your items if they are in the Armory. You only allow others to use them if they need them. Placing items in the Armory is not compulsory. If you don’t like people touching your stuff, it’s your prerogative.

    The Lab

    The Lab is where alchemists of the Menel Govannen concoct potions, salves and even poisons that hunters can use in the hunts. These concoctions are usually extremely potent and potentially dangerous to the user, mostly due to the fact that they are made from the remnants of the monsters the hunters slay (blood, bone, hair, skin, saliva, fangs, claws, or just about any other piece). Any member is free to use any combination they like. Just keep in mind that the ingredients are finite and we need to keep track of how many of what is left.


    That about does it. From what I could gather from reading around the forums, apparently Clans are not currently active and the staff is planning to roll out the rules and stuff in the future. But this doesn't necessarily prevent starting this thing, so if anyone's interested or has any questions, do let me know. Also, ideas. Ideas are also welcome. I'm not against changing some things around when it comes to this if someone has something in mind.
    Last edited by Letho; 05-16-17 at 04:47 PM.
    "Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity."

    William Butler Yeats - The Second Coming

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