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Thread: Down The Rabbit Hole

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  1. #1
    EXP: 1,140, Level: 1
    Level completed: 57%, EXP required for next level: 860
    Level completed: 57%,
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    Nightspoison's Avatar

    Rianna Anise Mizami
    18 years in human years 94 in vampire years
    Female Duh!
    Hair Color
    Vibrant Red
    Eye Color
    Luminious Blue
    5'4 in height and 118 in weight

    Down The Rabbit Hole

    (Open to one other person. Takes place immediately after Elective Amnesia. Now closed. Claimed by Philomel.)

    Mizami manor was in chaos, the normally bright and gentle living room was littered with the thralls of the manor.. Their manner was subdued as whispers of what was happening in their master's office was circulating around.

    A mink haired thrall, her body lean and petite was softly murmuring to a blond tall thrall "She's a mess, thats what I heard when she appeared."

    "Deathly injured, will need to feed" The yellowed eyed thrall replied back, her body tense as noise could be heard from the office upstairs.

    Instead of the portal opening to the dimly lit but lushly decorated Mizami manor. A gate dark emanating pulsing with power appear directly into Raoul Mizami's office. This gateway had come from the darker shady parts of Haidia. The dive bar area of town, where one of the dive bars had burned directly to the ground, the chaos of a battle the occupants of the opening had lost badly.

    The office was decorated in rich midnight blacks and deep reds. The desk was a large ornate cherry wood, painted black at the lord of the manor's request. The chair a deep crimson so soft you could just sink into it. At the moment the portal appear, the master of the house had been chatting amicably with his wife Anise.

    The beautiful lady of Mizami manor had her hair swept up in a high ponytail, her dress was lush, a dark navy blue gown that hug to her hips, causing her husband to eye her with love and need his eyes. The ever basic instincts of vampire lovers. However their pleasant time was interrupted as Malik, the assassin Raoul trusted above all his other hunters, arrived with bad news.

    His face was still regenerating from the horrible encounter with Seth Dahlios and his lord's bitch of daughter Sivienna. Holding his liege's precious daughter in his arms, he turned her gently saying in a grave voice "I'm sorry I failed master and..." he could already feel his lord's anger burning a hole through him. Timidly he whispered "Your runaway daughter got away..." He waited expecting to have to repair his flesh yet again. But only silence came.

    Respectfully he laid Rianna Mizami onto the plush beige carpet of her master's floor. Seeing the blood pooling, dark a mark of his failure her pale milky flesh and wound in her stomach, he knew his consequences were grave. His own crimson hue's looked up at his master as he winced thinking Here it comes. the midnight haired vampire not dare meet his master's orbs.

    Before her husband could speak Anise screamed "MY BABY! SHE'S GOING TO BE HUNGRY! HONEY GET HER FOOD NOW! THE BEST SLAVES WE HAVE IN THE CELLS!" the mother then rushed forward to cradle her baby in her arms, stroking her little angel's locks of ruby hair she growled angrily at her lover's assassin "WHO DID THIS TO HER?!"

    The cat had the normally suave killer's tongue, he had never, not in a million years expected his lord's woman to berate him. Trying to open his mouth, for the first time ever, even facing Raoul's wrath he was speechless. Struck dumb by the fact that Rianna's mother was the one shouting at him, not the lord who dictated his ever move.

    Anise's cold blue eyes were shining like thin ice chips with rage as she purred darkly "Who Malik? Answer your lady now!" the cold vixen, was seated in a rose colored soft chair, one for guest's in her vampire mate's office, as her delicate hands were linked together resting beneath her chin, as she waited for the silent assassin's response.

    The sly killer looked up into Raoul's wife's eyes, blinking he said softly "As I told my lord ma'am, it was master's first daughter and an old sweetheart of hers, Seth Dahlios." The seductive vampire breathed out softly, as he then dared to look at his master, who was already ordering a servant thrall to bring three slaves up for his little angel to drain dry to regenerate. As his wife screamed her vengeance at the daughter she wished her husband had never created and the unknown beau who had injured her baby so badly.

    The slim blond haired thrall bowed to her master, as she left to go down to the dingy dark cells where the Mizami human captives were kept and called upon.


    Thirty minutes later the younger Mizami sister had woken up, her normally soft blue eyes were bloodshot. Her human persona completely gone and shot. The minute she smelled the human slaves, her slim milky hand reached forward, her fangs sinking into the soft warm flesh of the young blue haired girl her father had ordered up. The young child's screams pierced the the thick walls of her father's office as like an animal the crimson haired vixen drained the young thing dry. The body was just a husk, as the sultry vixen could feel the deep gash in her wound beginning to mend. The flesh binding back to her organs to regrow her skin back to its normal state.

    Breathing heavily, her bright blue orbs still rimmed red she growled "Blood...more...more!" her eyes fell on the next prey. It was a teenage boy, beautiful with soft green eyes and brown hair so thick you could just run your fingers through it for hours. Normally the seductive beauty would play with her food, leave it alive for her to savor and enjoy. Blood was like sweet wine to her normally, something to savor slowly, not down like it was going out of style.

    Eyeing the gorgeous man, Rianna did not take her time this time, she did not stroke his blood, warm it to her liking by teasing and seducing the shy teen. She was an animal this time, her hand now soaked with her first meal's blood, wrapped around the brown haired man's throat, pulling him against her breasts, she sank her fangs into his throat without a second thought, her body rushing at the taste of sweet crimson that ran down her throat as she ate.

    Anise shook her head at her daughter's need to devour, clicking her tongue she cooed "I know your starving darling, but come now! Mind your manners!"

    Both Malik and Raoul interjected together, both glaring as their words came out at the same time "Just let her eat....."

    Anise glared at both her husband's assassin and her lover as she pouted "Fine...but she should behave!"

    The starved vampiress, paused in between her last meal, her shiny blue eyes laced red for a moment as she hissed "Starving mom, need to feed!"

    Anise's eyes orbs met her daughter's as she said succinctly "Your so spoiled Ri, but you get one pass this time because of your wounds!"

    The vivacious vixen ignored her mother, as she licked the blood hungrily from her lips thinking So good, I feel so much better! Not quite there yet, but, sister, Seth you'll pay in blood next time we meet!

    Rianna meanwhile was now onto to her third meal, this one a woman the exact same age as her. As the pert beauty stalked to hers the woman moaned "Please....don't kill me, just take what you need! But let me live!" she then sank to her knees, her long locks of silver hair pillowing around her like a soft blanket, her thin dress pressed so tight you could see the pert breasts that many vampires in the manor loved to stare at. The hungry beauty wasn't hearing her meal's plea.

    Some of her human persona was returning, the luminous blue eyes less blood shot, her garnet hair less messy, as her soft hands reached for the woman, pulling her against him, Rianna coughed softly, her hunger still apparent in her lusty voice "Food shut up!" her fangs were soaked with blood now, as she leaned forward and pierced her final victim's throat. Moaning softly as the liquid raced into her belly, the woman's screams faded away as the life gushed from her youthful body.

    The nasty gash Seth Dahlios had given her finally closed up. Her regeneration complete. Turning to look at her father's hunter, and her mother and dad, a grin was forming on her lusty lips as she cooed "Much better!"

    A sing song voice suddenly rang through the tension in the air shouting softly "You shouldn't soak the carpets with so much blood!"

    Turning to look Ri's azure eyes widened as she saw a pink curly haired bunny girl spirit, the hair going down past the spirits shoulders, she was wearing a bright pink and white dress that went just down to her little knees. Her ears were rabbit ears, black though soft but see through and she had a bunny tail peek out of the back of her pink and white dress that was as dark as her lobes. Bouncing on the vampire's lord's thick deep carpet she squealed "I have a proposition for the messy Rianna Mizami! It involves going down a rabbit hole to find a very special treasure! But the hungry vampiress will have to find a partner to help her! Many traps await on the road to the treasure!" The hyper active bunny girl bounced on the balls of her feet after she stated this.

    The sprightly assasain grimaced her lips thin as she said plainly "I was injured little spirit, I have a right to heal my wounds! You a little bunny girl I don't even know have no right to prevent me from blemishing my own home's carpet with the blood of my slaves!"

    Turning eagerly a large pink portal quickly appeared, pink flames just barely visible at the gates edge, from the rosy entryway s the eager ghost chirped "I don't care! Your business! Now, come come!"

    Rianna gawked, rubbing her eyes she gasped "Is this an after affect of being so hungry?" rubbing her azure hues, the vixen's soft lips fell open in shock, as she stared at the bunny spirit girl standing before her.

    "No, I"m real! I"m Ayami a rabbit spirit! I can sense your still hungry but its fading miss vampire! Come i have something special for you follow me!"

    Rubbing her eyes the vixen turned to her parents asking softly "Should I?" as her mind whirled Is this a delusion of blood loss? I just recovered from a near death experience and now a rabbit spirit female child appears, offering me a treasure I can use? What trickery is this?

    Both had wide eyes but said softly "Go, she's a rabbit spirit, a weird one at that, but if she speaks of an artifact go, you'll need all the help you can get to catch your sister after this mishap you and Malik had!"

    "Ok..." Rianna said sullenly, still stinging over her defeat at her goody two shoes sister and her former lover's hands.Not quite trusting the high spririted ghost bunny girl before her, but still, turning to Ayami she groaned "Lets go bunny girl spirit." she then wobbly stood up, her regeneration almost complete as she moved into the huge rose colored portal. Entering it she was pulled by her navel into the piercing cold of the gate.

    Exiting on the other side, she could hear water dripping steadily to the right of her. The feel of cold rough stone could be felt underneath her soft milky hands, as her orbs adjusted to the dark lightening. Straightening to her feet, she could see what looked to be a huge maze like cave around her. Turning to Ayami she dazedly asked "Where are we?"

    "Caverns of Luck!" Ayami chirped like a hyper parrot "Luck can be found here and from the whispers I heard about you Rianna Mizami. Luck is just what you need and lucky treasures lie hidden in these cavern walls!"
    Last edited by Nightspoison; 06-24-17 at 12:49 AM.

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