Name: Ted
Gender: Male
Age: 5,000
Class: Archer/Navigator/Bone Fletcher
Race: Undead [Skeleton]
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 27 lbs.
Eyes: None!

Appearance: Let’s get this out in the open as quickly as possible: Ted is a skeleton. He wasn’t always a skeleton, but he is now, and that’s why he weighs so little. However, he does manage to make things more interesting by wearing a bit of clothing. He wears a black eye-patch! But that’s not all, folks! He wears a bandana tied in a knot with two tails slipping away just above the base of his skull; the base color of this cloth his black, and there’s a white jolly roger on the top. Mind you it’s not just there for fashion… It’s also there to keep the sun out of his eyes(ockets). Moving on, Ted, despite being the navigator of a ghost pirate ship, sometimes wears robes. Not always, but sometimes. Although he usually wears the black robes on somber occasions, he’s been known to ride into battle wearing them before.

Personality: What is there to say? Ted is a treasure hunter, plain and simple. He likes all kinds of trinkets, but is much fonder of the ones everyone else considers valueless. You know, the stop watch that doesn’t even work anymore. Ted’s just a collector of all sorts of things, some of them ridiculously amusing and others that could yet serve an unknown purpose. However, his hobbies are not what the personality section of a biography was designed for, thusly I’ll continue. Ted can sometimes be a bit of a psychopath—at times he’ll do some of the most dastardly acts without even a second though, but he’s capable of being a kind, gentle soul as well. He really has a sort of a manic depression disorder; overtly joyous one minute and sobbing [without the tears, obviously] into his skeletal hands the next.

Equipment: Probably the most important, piece of equipment the skeleton archer holds is his bow. The bow is a fine piece of work, endowed with a magical ability to withstand the ages—the enchantment, really, was a requirement due to the archer’s long life and the fact that the bow was wrought from wood. There’s nothing special about the bow’s appearance, though—it’s just a normal longbow, and it’s doubtable that anyone would look at it and say, “Hey, that bow is enchanted by a spell that keeps it from rotting!” It looks normal, because, bar the non-biodegradable property, it is.

Abilities: Bone Magic, in my opinion, would be the most important thing mentioning in this section. There’s story behind the magic, no doubt about it, but I’ll leave that for the history section of the biography. For now, all you get is a glimpse of what bone magic is. Ted has the ability to call bones into existence. Though it can be strenuous if used too frequently – and in fashions he is inexperienced with – he can craft arrows from bone effortlessly, and these are what he fires from his bow. He also utilizes this ability to repair his bones when they are wounded, although, again, it is difficult for him to do so and quite taxing.

Vision and Durability. Being nothing more than a skeleton, you’d really think that Ted has problems with such things right? You know, not having eyes making it literally impossible for him to see, having no flesh to pad his falls making his bones shatter easily? Well, good news kids—Ted’s like Mr. Potato Head, you can take him apart and put him back together… Well, you can take him apart anyway. He has to put himself back together, using his bone magic. As for his vision, it was restored to him during his rebirth, though not in a normal way. During the process of reincarnating, a mistake was made. Rather than having the same visage as you or me would have, everything he sees has some sort of relation with his mood. For example, let’s say the captain of the ship caused him some form of anguish. Well, naturally, Ted would be angry. His anger then mixes with his vision, and the next time he sees the captain he sees him drenched in blood, with wounds up and down his body. Logically, it has caused problems. Especially when he first awoke with it, as he had a lot of trouble seeing past it. However, he learned to accept it after having lived with it for so long. It’s a real troublesome thing since his mood often changes, due to his “manic depression” disorder. I’ll relate to you the events which brought him back to life during his biography; for now, just live with it.

I’d just like to state that his bones, though breakable, are still quite durable (and, even if they’re broken, he can fix them through extreme focus and his bone magic, or just replace them, though it takes a little while for his body to get used to a new bone).. Again, the quality was bestowed upon him due to the process which gave him new life. However, he can be disassembled, and he can put himself back together in odd ways as well. If he wanted, his skull could be his big toe, or something like that!

Calculating Eyes; they’re what he has. Since Ted has been an archer for so long, he has no problem measuring the distance between himself and something else. No problem whatsoever, and I mean to an exact degree; it’s one of the reasons he’s such a good archer. “The target is 26.2345 meters away, so I’ll need the exact force count of—“ etcetera!

Background: As a child, Ted was violent. His parents decided it would be best for their child to find some form of release for the violence, and therefore had him take up the bow. He learned it quickly; he was a natural. Over the years, his love for the bow increased, as did his reputation; he grew form a young man releasing his violent nature on game such as deer and elk into an adult, transforming his bow into a weapon from its original state as a hobby. As a man, Ted frequently participated in contests of archery skill, and dominated all the competition. He enrolled into militant services, realizing that his love for the bow could far surpass merely protecting his family and hometown. Of course, with such skill, he gained prestige. He slew his foes left and right until finally, he was an officer.

He turned out to be a tactical genius, and not just an excellent archer. He outmatched all of the best generals pitted against him with classic tactics like the pincer, the wedge, and even thought of what could have been a precursor for the phalanx. However, Ted grew old, and the one inevitability of mortality took him from the world gently. He had no family relations, and sired no offspring. However, he was known by all and left a pang of sorrow in everyone’s heart when he departed from the world. While alive, he’d helped his country dominate over almost every oppressor, so there was a time of peace during his life, and for a short while after it. However, it spiraled to a halt when the nation was attacked by “men who came from the sea,” or, for lack of a better word, pirates.

They weren’t really pirates, though. They were the navy of a culture similar to the Vikings, coming to Ted’s lands to pillage, to burn. Their leader was a sorcerer, and wore black robes—the robes that Ted now wears. As a desperate act by a desperate people, the hero, Ted the Terrible, was brought back by an ancient procedure that predated even the forefathers of the forefathers of the current king. Mind you the process had never been tested, and using it to bring back the fallen hero was a throw of the dice. They succeeded, but at a horrible cost; the lives of all the men involved in the spell were lost, and a mistake made by one of those men cost Ted his eyesight, causing him the grief he sometimes suffers today.

Long story short, Ted was unable to rout the warlike faction which opposed his. He was a hideous creature without a master. He used his bow (and the lives of a small military unit willing to help him) to kill the crew of one of the pirate-vessels. He used the vessel as a tool, sailing into the harbor with the rest of the “pirates” and assassinating the leader, who was preaching to his men while on the upper deck of one of the ships. Ted and his crew slew the other warriors upon the boat, boarded it and took the sorcerer’s robe for himself, having not a set of clothing of his own. The skeleton archer took to the sea, and sailed west. His crew left him at some point during this voyage.

He learned that life at sea was not so bad, and he began to enjoy himself, the grief of the loss of his civilization washing away with the ocean waves. Of course, he would need a new crew to survive, and picked some up during his adventures. Throughout the course of those adventures, of course, Ted was able to become an initiate in the field of bone magic.

Through those adventures, Ted received all of his gear and skill.

Of course Ted grew tired of the crewmembers he came to know and trust withering into the dust as he’d done so many years ago, so he set out on a personal quest to find a crew who could possibly live as long as he. He seeks to come across such a party.