Molotov was certainly surprised by the way that so many people in the cage seemed so nervous to jump onto the offensive. “To think of all the half cocked ponces who run this planet searching for adventure, and none of them could bloody be here…” the mutant thought sarcastically. He tried not to let it bother him. The fact was, Molotov was afraid of seeming like the Cage’s biggest threat by going out on the offensive earlier. Casually, the mutant turned back towards the rugged man who had mentioned something about elephants earlier, and noticed that this man seemed considerably more interested in talking with one of the spectators than actually getting involved in the fight.

“Seems like a clever enough person,” Molotov thought. Of course, first impressions weren’t always the best, but from what he’d seen, the mutant got the impression that this stranger was particularly hard for a number of reasons. Not only was the man particularly rugged, but also considerably older than most of Althanas’ adventuring generation. This meant a great deal to the mutant, because age was a luxury very few fighters could afford.

This was a problem for Molotov. The mutant knew that they had both managed to attract each other’s attention. That meant one of two things. They would either ally or destroy each other. Molotov knew that he couldn’t afford to take on this man as an ally. Even among fifteen plus fighters it would be unlikely that an alliance would go unnoticed. Molotov had learned that lesson in the last round.

He thought back to the mention of the elephant. So far, there was no sign of an elephant anywhere in the cage. A quick scan of the stands revealed no sign of a large pachyderm either. Molotov grinned. He could suddenly envision an effective but hollow promise. With that, the mutant took out his packet of cigarettes and offered it towards the older man.

“Sorry to interrupt you talking with your bird…” Molotov said. “But I wanted to offer my services. I’ve got no real enemies here, and don’t want to make some… I heard you talking about an elephant earlier. If he comes, I’ll take him out, just for a bit of security… how’s that sound?”

(Talking to Dissinger)