As the beast roasted under the force of Molotov's attack, Zieg sagged back against a tree. Sweat ran down his face, and tears glistened in his eyes. The life he knew was over. His home was destroyed and he doubted he would ever go back to that ashen city. They same life always comes full circle, and this time it did. The dwarves got their revenge.

The exhausted demon had no idea where his son was either. He could only hope that Kaza and Xeppa had made it to Vla'toros and that Dera was taking care of them now. He picked himself up off of the tree and turned to the west, toward what was left of his people. Sheathing his blades, he motioned to Molotov.

"You are welcome to accompany me to the western villages to rest before you head out." Zieg turned his back on Vainta, forever.


When Dera'losta'nofa first saw Vainta in the distance, he could see that it was not a pleasant sight. Smoke rose above the city, and the normal red glow of the underground region was tripled around it as the fire lit up the area. The large platoon of demons, humans, and elves he had gathered from his city rode on however, coming closer and closer to the city.

Stopping his men before they came within sight of the lookouts of the dwarves, he glanced down at the platinum haired child in front of him. The boy slid off of the saddle of the de-winged Magim Beast and looked at the town. Dera stepped down as well, looking over at the city. A reflection of light high above the city caught his eye. Staring closely, he could make out the shape of a helmet, with what looked to be a horn.

"No..." Dera whispered.

"Papa?" Kaza asked aloud. "PAPA!?!" Kaza sagged to the ground and burst into tears, ripping at the hearts of everyone within earshot. From somewhere behind him, a loud bark erupted and a second later a small brown dog ran past. A negative light covered his body and then leathery wings shattered the light. Soon a powerful Magim Beast stood in front of Dera.

Xeppa leapt into the air heading toward the city. He flew high above the wall and made straight for the piked helmet. He grabbed the helmet with his teeth and knocked over the pike. Flying in a giant arc, Xeppa returned to land in front of Kaza and give the boy his father's helmet. Kaza held the piece of metal tight against his body and Dera lifted him back into the saddle. As he himself got back into position, he called back to the men.

"Let's keep moving. There's nothing we can do here."