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Thread: Diplomatic Relations: Xaliel

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  1. #1
    The Demon Knight
    EXP: 40,922, Level: 7
    Level completed: 66%, EXP required for next level: 3,078
    Level completed: 66%,
    EXP required for next level: 3,078
    Zieg dil' Tulfried's Avatar

    Zieg dil' Tulfried
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Blood Red
    6'4" / 290 lbs
    High General of the Haidian Army in Haidia

    Diplomatic Relations: Xaliel

    Zieg dil’ Tulfried stood atop a large grassy knoll in a region unknown to most to the southwest of Alerar. He looked down upon the vast sea of tents that sat at the mouth of an incredibly large cave. Behind the demon knight, ten platoons of the Demon Army, two-thousand men a piece, were going through training exercises under the supervision of Zieg’s two generals.

    The past three weeks had been incredibly difficult for all of the Haidians. Once Zieg had made the decision to leave the caves and return to the surface, he had been faced with challenge after challenge. First was the route to take. He knew the portals were out of the question. Taking the entire demon population through Corone, or Raiaera, or Alerar would not be taken well. So, he decided that he could find a way up through the caves. He sent several scouts out to find a path to the surface and they hadn’t let him down.

    Next he had to determine the best way to move everyone. He decided it would be best to go in shifts, each under the protection of a group of soldiers. Zieg, Kaza, and Xeppa had gone with the first group while Dera’losta’nofa took those from Vla’toros back to their homes to pack and gather things to help build the new nation. So the first came up and built tents with the materials at hand, a small village springing up just outside the cave. As the groups came up, the put up more tents and now roads were beginning to develop and the small village was becoming a town.

    The final challenge was getting word to the various platoons of the Demon Army scattered around Haidia. He needed them to come aid the people of Haidia. He sent out scouts to find them, and he was beginning to see results. Slowly, the Demon Army was growing back to a respectable size. The loss of the troops in Vainta was a blow to the force, but Zieg hoped the around fifty thousand that should be remaining would be sufficient.

    Voices behind the demon forced him to turn to see who was approaching. He saw the young king and his advisor as well as Kaza and Xeppa running up the hill. Zieg smiled at the fun the two children were having. “Enjoying yourself, your Majesty?” he asked.

    “Yeah, but that’s not why I’m here. I was wondering what you had planned for the name of this new Haidia.” Aidos kar’ Atron asked. Zieg smiled and patted the small boy on the head. “Of course. I thought Haide ((Hayd)) would be a perfect name for it. A new Haidia.”

    “I like it. That’s the name then. Gillaos, please spread the word to the people that this place is to be known as Haide.” The king looked over to his friend. “C’mon, Kaza. Let’s go play.” The two of them ran off, Xeppa and Gillaos close behind.

    Zieg found himself with more problems than before. New towns had to be built, so he was sending out several groups, each accompanied by the Demon Army, to build them. He had one group heading west toward the sea to build the new capital. Zieg felt a seaport would be a valuable asset for the new region and decided it needed to be built as soon as possible. He also knew relations with Alerar would be important, so he had another group heading northeast toward Alerar to establish a border town. There was a third town he hoped to establish somewhere in the middle of the two towns for the Demon Army, with a final town growing up right inside the cave for the few people who were up to leaving Haidia.

    The demon knight had a broad goal of making Haide more diverse, so he sent bulletins out requesting aid from anyone that wanted to help. He hoped this new region would be more willing to accept others if they helped build the town around them.

    There was one last problem Zieg had. There were rumors that Deimis had made their way up to these plains with everyone else. He knew they would try to establish their own base here. He had no way of stopping them though, there were too many other things he had to worry about. The High General simply had to hope that things would work out.

    ((Diplomatic Relations: Xaliel
    This group travels north from the exit of the cave toward the Alerarian border. Dark Elves from Alerar (Roleplayed by Vorin) approach the new town and it is up to them to develop diplomatic relations with the Dark Elves.

    NPC: Johannan ag' Tranta, the slender, more strategic general of the Demon Army

    Lead: grim137
    Last edited by Zieg dil' Tulfried; 08-20-06 at 09:05 AM.

    "The one who does not have the courage to look at the truth is called a coward. A coward is afraid..."

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