Molotov hit the nail on the head it's both. I know I write for fun but I write on Althanas so people can see what I write, interact with what I write and I interact with what other people write. Things like EXP and Gold are rewards that make me feel good about what I write and that my writing is worth rewarding. Score’s are important to me because it’s what some one thinks about what I did and I know a low score really hurts and a high one feels good, these things keep out the lazy RPers that post one liners and really don’t care.

We do want to tell good stories but being Althanas is about rewards as well. Things like scores and EXP matter and can really hurt and help someone’s will to write. I know I often chime in when reward amounts change because I don’t want Althanas to cater only to those who are really good writers or write to the judges’ tastes and the score has a huge tilt that can be discouraging. I’ve learned to ignore JCs mostly because I don’ like reading most of them (there are some exceptions like Letho) and I have different tastes than most judges, maybe ‘cause I’m not a grammar nazi.