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Thread: "Some people call me the space cowboy"

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  1. #1
    Atlanta: City of Lights
    Lucien's Avatar

    Lucien Aeonis
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Greenish Blue
    5'8"/158 lbs.

    "Some people call me the space cowboy"

    "Yeah. I tell those people to fuck off."

    Name: Lucien Aeonis
    Age: 19
    Race: Human
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Eye Color: Greenish blue
    Height: 5' 8"
    Weight: 158 lbs.
    Occupation: Douchebag

    Appearance: When you first look at Lucien you cannot help but compare him to a cat. Not one of those fluffy kittens, but the kind of animal that pukes on your clothes and sprays the furniture. His eyes are usually squinted when in sunlight (a reason why his skin is so pale), hiding the vibrant color of his irises. His hair is straight and unkempt, blonde bangs dangle over his forehead all the time. The boy's face is young and usually betrays his age. His build is rather thin, and his mannerisms seem femminne.

    Clothing wise the boy sticks to a black hooded sweatshirt, the front's logo has long since worn off . Underneath a pink T-shirt peeks out a little from the bottom of the hoodie. His dark blue jeans are weathered with the knees faded to a much lighter color. Finally black running shoes complete the outfit, with rainbow shoelaces emphasizing his odd personality.

    Personality: Lucien is a strange person to be sure. His mood can range from happy to depressed, and usually turns without warning. The teen is foul mouthed and brutally honest, pointing out faults in other people all too quickly. He sexualizes things too often and loves to the the center of attention among people he knows. However, among stragers Lucien can be quite shy and anti-social. Insecure and easy to piss off, he has a temper only a wild badger can match.

    "Why the fuck do you listen to this shit?" Asked Sarah with her usual tact as she dug her pinky deep within her ear canal. "The bitch sounds like she's about to cut herself mid-song. This industrial goth, whiney little whore music is for the emo trash that hangs around street corners."

    "Oh fuck you. It's not that emo." Exclaimed Lucien, who rubbed his computer's speakers like a proud father. His grin was almost ear to ear as he rocked gently back and forth to the rythmic beats pulsing out.

    "The bitch is talking about falling, apathy, and agony. It's not exactly christian fucking rock." The bed springs made a heavy squeak as she rose up, glaring at him from behind her thick glasses.

    "Fine. It's goth. Fuck you. It's a catchy song with a good beat I can dance to."

    "But you can't dance." Retorted the girl who now sat with arms crossed.

    "It's always the little things with you, isn't it? It's a catchy song with a good beat I can have a series of epileptic seizures to." In mockery he bagan to roll around on the floor, moaning in false pain.

    "You're an asshole and I'm leaving." She said as she went to the door.

    "That's good. I need me some Lucien time." Commented the boy as he gestured his eyes towards a bottle of lotion. Sarah left quicky without a second glance, the door slamming behind her. "Thank fucking God."

    Sprouting up, he marched over to his mattress, the bottle of lotion firmly grasped in his hand. He felt like something different today. Those pictures of Orlando Bloom on his computer were growing dull and his poster of Brad Pitt was unattractive now that the lips were used up. He glanced over to the phone with careful eyes, debating whether or not he should call the number he saw on a recent comercial. Sure he was not 18 yet, but that didn't stop him from using his mom's credit. It was not that good anyways. "I don't know. I'll be crossing a line into loserdom I really don't want to cross." He rationalized for a moment. "Huh, still less dorkish than cybering." He started to dial the numbers on the phone, his jeans unbottoned in anticipation.

    "1-900-465-104.." Lucien stopped for a moment, trying to recall the last number from that add. The man's chizzled face getting in the way of his recollection. "Oh yeah. 6!" As he punched in the final number, something unexpected happened. The walls seemed to fade around him, his bed vanished as if a dream. He suddenly found himself engulfed in a long dark tunnel and his voiceless screaming came to no avail. Bright colors flashed around him as he travelled faster then he had ever run.

    A great roar came from his side as he noticed another creature travelling along with him. It was like a living cloud with the head of a lion, eaching limb seemed to breathe on its own. The companion was short lived however, as the boy went slamming into the vapor being. With a harsh throated scream the critter dissapated in a puff of smoke, leaving Lucien to travel on his own. Like an echo in a cave, a voice could be heard in the distance. "I summon Samael, demon of wind!"

    The punk landed ass first on the cold stone, rolling a few times before finally coming to a halt. Directly ahead of him stood a man, robed head to toe in a lush shade of violet. In front of the man stood the tallest, most brutal creature the boy could imagine. Its teeth jutted out like rusted hooks, its eyes bulged like an owl's on speed. The tang of rotting fish gushed from its mouth like water, and at times rotting fish actually came out. The creature roared, causing the large, dank cavern to echo. Water seemed to drip in tiny amounts all around.

    "Wind demon, attack!" Commanded the man with outstretched arms as if he were leading an army. "I will send you back to the bowels of hell, demon!" When nothing happened for several minutes, he looked down at Lucien. "I said attack, Samael!"

    "What the fuck are you talking about!?" Cried Lucien who was just at the point of tears. His voice was breaking at pitch, an embarrasing habit for a boy of 17.

    "You mean you are not the great demon of wind, servant of the seal of..." The robed figure had no time to finish as he was firmly crushed by the leviathan hand of the creature. The foul beast turned it's intense eyes towards the youth in the corner who whined, screamed and begged.

    Lucien was at an ends. His pants had almost fallen to the flood and he instinctively used one hand to hold them up. In the other he held the bottle of lotion from his house. On urge alone, with fear overcoming him, he threw the bottle with all his might. He had never been much of an athlete, but something made that throw hit its mark. It was almost if an extra burst of energy had gave it an extra push. Whatever it was, the bottle bursted at the seems and covered the face of the beast in a cream colored liquid. Almost at once it ignited, the monstrosity wailing like nothing the boy had heard before.

    Nearly five minutes had past and all the was left of the leviathan was a pile of ashes still glowing with fire. Slowly the punk got up, buttoning his pants, and thinking the only thing he could at a time like that. "I always thought that lotion burnt a little. Huh."


    It did not take long for Lucien to learn a few new things about himself and his surrondings. He had travelled to a new world, called Althanas. Magic seemed alive and well and modern technology was non-existant. It took him nearly a week before he stopped whinning about the lack of internet pornography.

    Another thing he quickly learned was he had a new gift. When he ad slammed into that vapor creature during his forced journey, he had gained whatever gifts it had. When he focused his thoughts he can summon short and powerful blasts of air for things. It took him quite some time to even get a basic grasp on it, however.

    Within his first month on Althanas Lucien was already near death. Poor, hungry, and rather dirty, most ways of earning money were closed to him. He even found prostitution to competitive, the older ones easily scaring him off . It was around this time he met a man named Jehoel Aeonis, and his son Idris. The two saw the wind ability to be useful for their circus, and Jehoel decided to adopt the 16 year old.

    Jehoel was neither cruel nor caring, but somewhere in between. He liked Lucien, as did Idris, but was not overly affectionate towards the boy. It seemed it was always about the money, and some of the stunts and stories Lucien could weave really packed in the crowds.

    By the age of 19, the youth was ready to set out on his own. Taking the last name as his guardian, he looks to explore the world he is not truly a native of.

    Aerokinesis: After smashing into the wind demon in the tunnel, Lucien has gained his only real ability on Althanas. By thinking and moving his hands forward, he can send out bursts of wind. They can be strong blasts or a weak zephyr, depending on how strong he is. Each time he uses the power, he weakens himself more and more, as if he is physically pushing, and is limited by his own physical limitations. The boy can in fact use the wind to lift himself for a brief second, helping him jump a few feet higher. Other such things can be done as well. This is however, very taxing, like any other use. Once he is worn out, he is open to any attack by an opponent.

    -Lack of strength: Lucien is not as strong as an average 19 year old man. His cushy life on earth has limited his physical strength.
    -Coward: When presented with an unknown challenge, the lad is very likely to back down. Sometimes he may even run in another direction screaming. He also seems highly afraid of small creatures like bugs, snakes, and rodents.
    -Hubris: At times the opposite can be true. If a normal, human or such opponent brags about their own ability, Lucien can't help but open his own mouth, leaving him broke or even hurt.
    -Lazy: Sometimes his own sloth can be the youth's downfall. He usually needs to be motivated to do something.
    -Foul mouth: Lucien does not speak eleganlty. He swears like a sailor at times and this can be awkward in a world of bards.

    Just his clothes.
    Last edited by Lucien; 08-26-06 at 06:10 PM.

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