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Thread: I Want To Be Forgiven...

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  1. #35
    EXP: 21,045, Level: 6
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    Level completed: 15%,
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    Lavinian Pride's Avatar

    Sarah Dahlios
    Revanian Vampire (Mizami)
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    5'6" and you can guess for weight because she ain't telling...

    They continued following the creek as it moved through the forest lazily. Sarah's eyes keenly searching for clues of what happened. The looks of a beast running through the area could be seen as bushes were pushed aside. Trees had bark stripped here and there where it was apparent someone had used them as a balance point. The raking scars of the bark matched massive hands easily mistaken for a bear's paws.

    Myrhia seemed keenly concerned seeing all this and when she spoke her voice was soft, "I did this to him, I-"

    "Don't begin Myrhia," Sarah snapped. The red head jumped at the caustic reply as Sarah merely kept doing her job. She had promised to help deliver the tears of the nameless maiden, and here she was about to give someone away. Part of her surely felt bitter, being used for nothing more than a one night stand always made things more difficult than they were. However, the bitterness was far too heavy and it had seeped into Sarah's words far too greatly.

    Myrhia looked at her companion, who seemed to clam up immediately following the scene in the room. She wasn't sure what she had done, but the Lavinian's responses were more like when they first met. As discomforting as it was, it hurt even more considering the night that even now still brought a bit of a flush to her cheeks in the memory. However she remained silent, her doe eyes only gracing the Lavinian every now and then in confusion.

    The forest continued with the awkward trail until it moved across the creek. Sarah moved across the creek before she dismounted as moved over to the trees. Soon Myrhia's voice broke the silence, "Is he hurt?"

    "Doesn't look like it, at least not physically. I would have to say though he was pretty ragged at this point. Should probably go on foot, the horses seem a bit spooked," Sarah said softly.

    Myrhia could tell there was still some tenderness in Sarah. The actions seemed mechanical to her, who had seen the Lavinian in many aspects, from anger, to happiness, to sadness, to bitterness. However, the voice seemed sympathetic, almost betraying the whirlwind in the Lavinian. Sarah seemed to be lost in a sea of emotion, much like Seth had in the cathedral. He was filled with so much grief and regret, even when he fought for her in Serenti. And here, Sarah showed much the same, if only buried a bit better.

    As she moved her horse across the creek she tried to ride past Sarah before it shook its head and stopped stubbornly. Looking down at the horse she said, "It's alright, don't worry." She then tried again only to get the same effect.

    "Figured as much," Sarah replied.


    "Eraz’Verinthes," Sarah replied calmly as she stepped forward. Myrhia rushed to keep up. Confusion was clearly in her green eyes, questioning the sudden cryptic quality of the name. She had heard it when Letho had talked briefly of it, but other than that she had never gotten much of an explanation.

    "Who is that?"

    "Not who, what," Sarah replied. The tone was like a teacher and Myrhia already emotional form the damage she had done to Letho felt a bit of childish anger swell up in her.

    "Fine then, what?" She asked irritated by the cold shoulder, and more importantly the lack of information.

    "Well, we're coming up on the lair soon. I doubt Letho is the type to just run in stupidly, am I right?"

    "Lair of what?"

    As they walked out into the clearing near the cave Sarah looked at the sitting figure of Letho. An eyebrow rose as she moved forward noticing the conspicuous acquisition before she asked curiously, "Did you already kill the dragon?"

    Myrhia's reaction to the sudden imparting of information was perhaps the only thing that could have waked the dead, as birds flew from their perches at the screech, "The what?"
    Last edited by Lavinian Pride; 09-07-06 at 04:28 AM.
    You look in the mirror, but someone else looks back. You remember a life you never had, one that cannot be yours. You are the piece that does not fit, you don't belong in this game. The board has been knocked over, you shall be swept away...

    1/2th Of Althanas' Favorite Relationship 2006 (Rheawien / Lavinian Pride)
    1/3rd Of the Most Interesting Storyline 2006 (Dissinger / Liliana Ambria / Lavinian Pride)

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