(Closed to nekoprince)

Sakura couldn’t help but have a good time. This was the first party that she had ever been to on Corone and it was fun for the fox girl. There was lots of music of an upbeat nature and everyone was dancing, even Sakura danced a bit, having a few eyes fall on her eccentric half fox form, but her curvy and pleasing form won out and those that watched found the girl an exotic splendor of a woman and the tail simply turned her amateur dance into something hypnotic. But they’d soon get disappointed when she stopped moving, the girl was pretty in her own foxy way but it was more fun to see her body in motion.

“Haha marvelous improvising, aren’t you a lovely little thing.” Sakura turned thinking the voice was directed at her. It was and the source of the praise walked up to her with a strait back and smooth gait. He was a hansom and rugged man with dark hair and dark face and the only flaw on his sharp features was hidden under an eye patch.

“Oh hi, you mean me right?” Sakura asked feeling a tad sheepish around the hansom man; she was fiddling with her tail hoping that she wouldn’t screw up by being nervous.

“Yes my lovely vixen. Girls are as common as fish that you sometimes get tired of catching them but you come and show me that it’s still worth the while to keep an eye open for them.”

The kiko smiled from the compliment and yet go of her tail to let it foxily sway with happiness. “I haven’t heard anybody say anything like that to me.” The girl was feeling her heart race as she succumbed to the sailor’s charm.

“Oh than the world has gone mad.” He said with mock shock causing the girl to giggle.

“Yeah mad that they never seen a fox like me.” Sakura smiled trying to match the gentleman’s wordplay but had the feeling she was failing miserably.

“Let me get you a drink. Something sweet for the sweet girl?” The man smiled and disappeared into the crowd.

Sakura sat on the stool as she waited for the sailor to return. The place felt like a storm of fun but now she was in the eye where there was calm and waiting. When the captain would return then the storm would start anew.