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    Memento Mori
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    Witchblade's Avatar

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    Calerian Tribal Information

    (( -- In Progress -- ))

    Calerians: Calerians are like most other tribes within Fallien. They have a female leader and a Shaman; only the Shaman controls the warriors of the tribe. The major difference between Calerians and the rest of the Fallien tribes is in their abilities and their physical appearance. Like everyone else they have darkened skin, yet as they grow in power white designs begin to show on their skin in differentiating patterns, no ones being the same. Their hair and eyes are also very strange, never actually being a normal colour either and they are much taller than the regular Fallien natives. However, this mainly only covers the warrior aspects of the tribe, those that can see the dead, those not born with this gift look exactly like any other Fallien native.

    Those Calerians that are born with this gift have a number of different abilities. They can see, hear, speak to and even sense souls. They can also use their own energy and turn it into solid matter creating armour and weapons for themselves, though technically speaking they can form the energy into anything as long as they can picture it in their heads. This was always very taxing on them though, until the Irenian and Serenna Crystals were created to help focus and harness their energies and also providing a little extra. How these crystals were formed and where they came from has been long since lost to the Calerians though.

    In addition to this, Calerians can also travel to the other planes of existence, however they only travel to Purgatory. Purgatory is a place between what they call Sanctuary and Abyss or Heaven and Hell. It is neither light nor is it dark and everything therein is in shades of grey, except when something living traverses there, then it is in colour. In Purgatory souls are corrupted and turn into Fallen, it is at this point that Calerians must fight and release them. Calerians may also release souls that are still trapped within the physical world.

    Fallen: The term given to corrupted souls that have fallen from their former selves and as such have been termed Fallen. A soul with regrets is prevented from moving on to the afterlife, if they cannot overcome their regrets they will eventually be dragged in Purgatory where they will slowly be corrupted. Once that has happened they turn into monsters, their skin usually blackened and burnt looking. Their configuration varies but their bodies are almost always formed into weapons. Blades protrude from arms, claws; jagged teeth. Some have a membrane formed between their arms and their body, allowing them to glide. In the centre of a Fallen’s chest, and even the chest of any soul, is a black hole where heart and humanity lay. To release a soul from their regrets and evil deeds a weapon formed by a Calerian must pass through this space. The regrets and evils committed by the soul while corrupted are forgiven and the Calerian takes them into their own body and soul, however, evil committed before corruption cannot be forgiven.

    Calerian Corruption: The Irenian Crystal, as one of its functions, displays the amount of corruption within the soul of the Calerian. When completely free of corruption the crystal is blue, as corruption grows the crystal begins turning red. A Calerian can travel within their soul any time to fight and release the corruption from within them, however, if for some reason they do not and the corruption becomes complete they will turn into monsters that will kill without thought or care. No Calerian has ever survived corruption, save one, Ira of Shinkara.

    Tribe Leaders: The Calerian tribe is designed like almost every other tribe in Fallien. At the top is a female leader and always a female leader, right now the leader is Majra. The successor to the leader is usually chosen by the Shaman—who is as ranks go—next under the tribal leader. Majra reigns over the whole tribe, however, in the case of the Calerian tribe it is divided in two. The tribe leader looks after everyone but the warriors, those who can see the dead that she leaves to the Shaman, who is usually female as well. This generation has a male Shaman though, named Gereint. Though the tribal leader can always overrule the Shaman there is usually never any need for that since they communicate regularly.
    Last edited by Witchblade; 09-24-06 at 04:07 PM.
    Do you ever Feel like a Monster?

    Do you dare to read The Diary of the Dead

    Have you seen my Hollow Daydreams
    Or listened to this Serenade of Haunting Voices
    Pray for The Heart I Once Had
    Then grant A Rose For The Dead'

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