Full Name: Kiyoshi Fukushima
Age: 28
Race: Tokushimen (Human)
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 188lbs
Former Occupation: Former Politician/Ambassador/Samurai
Current Occupation: Kensai/Wandering Samurai/Outlaw

Personality: A warrior, officer, philosopher, and gentlemen are the words the best describe this noble man. He was one of the most respected men in his eastern home of Tokushima. For his bravery in combat, shrew politics, and the general care of the men under his command. A leader in every aspect of the word and an honour to his people. He has a commanding strong voice, and never frets to use it against those who believes to be dishonourable. Tending to sometimes be starry eyed and introverted. He enjoys simple elegant pleasures such as poetry, conversation, and tea. Even his enemies tend to respect him in the end, as he respects them.

Appearance: He has a simple handsome face with no outstanding features. Other than his finely oiled moustache and goatee. His hair is gathered in a casually neat topknot as most of the males for his lands wore it. His skin is a light tan with a glistened look about it. His body a balanced and hardened machine for long periods of athletic or combative situations. Usually found wearing his customed designed armour. Which is crafted from both bamboo and Tokushimen Steel. It was darkened to a black by Kiyoshi's request. With a red cape made from thick layers of silk that hang over his back. Of course he alters between this and a red and black komodo when he is not traveling. Never leaving his side is his families katana and wakizashi which he has around his waist at all times. Even in the western lands he carries himself with pride and almost a sense of elven like arrogance.


Kenjutsu Practioner: Extremely proficient in this kata sword form. Which utilizes swift, precise, and elegant movements with the katana. This style sometimes gives off the sense that the individual using it knows your moves before you do. Only striking at the perfect time, and the best opportunity to conserve energy.

Karate Practioner: Using kata as the bases as well, this art relays mainly on unarmed melee. Which Kiyoshi creatively changes to match his situations instead of being trapped in the use of pattern forms. He is quite proficient in this style as well, as it goes with his sword art.

Intelligent Tactician: Kiyoshi is well known for his brilliant strategies in commanding soldiers on a field of battle. Or his adaptation to personal situations and is known to turn a horrible situation for the better.

Diplomatic Courtesies: Once a successful politician he knows how to handle himself in situations which require convincing others to understand his view.

Weapons and Armour:

Kyouryoku: This is his families katana and has been handed down for generations. Forged from the finest Tokushimen steel it has stayed powerful throughout the ages. Sharp enough to slice though thin silk, it is an example of eastern superioty in weapon design.[/U][/I]

Shi-rudo: His wakizashi which has always been the left hand of Kyouryoku, as its guiding shield. A dagger like blade it is useful in dual-weapon situations or a last minute defense.

Koutetsu Armour: Customed forged from bamboo and steel it gives ample protection to Kiyoshi. As well as being quite fashionable in the process.

Born in the Tokushimen Empire during the final years reign of Emperor Amatsumiko son of Emperor Uezama IV. He was born to Lord Shukun Fukushima and his wife. In one of the richest provinces in the entire empire. Raised as a nobleman he had a harsh and disciplined life. Of constant routine, responsibilities beyond his age, and standards far beyond what he could possibly accomplish. Yet this rough and loveless childhood would be what forged him into the man he is today. His father a samurai lord commanded many campaigns for the empire against barbarians of the west and north. Bringing along his son to watch the trauma of battle and to learn the hardships of war. Yet during the last few campaigns Kiyoshi's father would lose many major conflicts. Bringing dishonour to the family name. In the end he would commit bushido to regain honour, and leave his debts and estate to Kiyoshi his only child. Kiyoshi would soon discover just how much debt his father had left.

Leaving them bankrupt with only a good name to keep the family together. Yet in only two years though diplomatic and mercantile negotiations. He was able to bring the family name back to prosperity and fortune. Soon working directly under the emperor as an ambassador to the various barbarian realms. Using his position as excellent business ventures. Expanding his own merchant trade empire to the various infidels.
Of course this prosperity would only last for so long. Until the Yokou Civil War led by Shogun Yokou against Emperor Yamato Hatoshima II. Splitting the empire down the middle from the rebel west to the imperial east. A war which would see the fall of the empire and the establishment of three separate unions. Kiyoshi would be one of the generals of the empire during the conflict. Leading many minor victories in the northwest, but ultimately the war would be lost. Not by him but his own commanding general. Making all officials of the former emperor criminals of the new government. This would make Kiyoshi leave the lands of the east in order to escape death. Fleeing to the far west, in order to start a new life as an adventurer.