The Noob by Gianna Masetti is a satirical webcomic updated upon completion. Each page is posted sometime in close proximity to its completion and this causes unreliable updates.

My Score: On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a 7

The Background: "The Noob" is fairly self explanatory: It is about a player who is new to a famous MMORPG(Massive-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) known as Clichequest. The game is essentially a MMOROG(
Massive-Multiplayer Online RIP-OFF Game) that takes aspects from many other games. The all-famous paladin, for example, has the uber-cheesy power of complete immunity to all forms of damage. It also rips off Blizzard via Epic/World-Event Quests and the public transportation that we all know and love as the Gryphon.

[spoiler warning]
The Story: Ohforf'sake(a naming error at creation, originally from the player's swearing at the ludicrous names the random name generator was throwing at him, like Q'unt!) is a noob to the world of Clichequest who gives his pants to a very anti-masculine female named Hypatia who doesn't like the skimpy outfit that women start out with. He eventually gets his first kill on a rat.....via heart attack. After looting the corpse, he finds a small kiddie drawing and vows never to kill again. Unfortunately for him(and many rats!) he sets off one of those chain events that you see in the Tom and Jerry cartoons. After leveling up, he becomes over-zealous and causes a train(of monsters) which kills everybody in the zone(yes, him too...). His ghost meets up with the ghosts of Hypatia and a "role-player" with a very long name: Sir Darkblade Wolfeyes Orcbane Raislin de Urden Von Strudel! The two had met with unfortunate ends at the hands of the infamous PK's(Player-Killers). When Hyp is ressurected, she's perfectly normal. But Darkie is ressurected in his knickers(underpants)!
As they plan their revenge, they meet with all kinds of trouble: Ohforf(for short) gets strangled, the three nearly make aquaintance to Batman, and Ohforf feels the combined wrath of rope and woman. Once at Darkie's hometown, B acon of Hope(the "e" fell off), the three beseach his guild to help eradicate the villains who killed them. Ohforf ends up under a bundle of hay after "agreeing" to fight the villains under pretense of...ahem....certain services of the female orientation. Hypatia dies, yet again, leaving Ohforf to slave as lackey to the PKs' whims. After some time, the leader, Fred the Dread, takes Ohforf into a dungeon to teach him the tricks of the "trade." Ohforf wanders into the highest level area of the dungeon, earning a level along the way(he tossed a clove of garlic into the mouth of a sneaking vampire). He picks up the all-powerful Orb of Power(extremely rare) from the loot of a dead dragon that a group of high level guys just killed. Unfortunatly, the Orb "binds" to the person's soul and cannot be given away or sold. He wishes his way out.....but into the Elvan lands. Unfortunately, he also said he didn't want the Orb self-destructed.

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