Name: Sorjax Shantur Narzack.

Race: of Men

Gender: Male

Age: 27 (?)

Height: 6 ft. 3 in.

Weight: 225 lbs.

Eyes: Blue/Gray

Hair: Brown With Streaks of Gray

Appearance: Sorjax has changed since he last was seen. His face has hardened resembling Mist more than ever. However he still retains his good looks. He sports a scar on his right cheek from an unknown source. His face is scruffy and the outline of a goatee has appeared on his face. He is muscular, his body hardened by numerous fights and turmoil. His hair is brown, and falls around his face the rest lays in a ponytail. However, now his hair is filled with streaks of gray. His eyes are tired and worn having changed color from ice blue to a dull gray/blue mixture. It is evident just by looking into his eyes that he has been exposed to many things in the past two years

Weapons: A long sword made of adamantine (Dubbed Naris), 5 throwing knives made of steel, a fan shield made of steel attached to one of his two gauntlets, and a whip.

Armor: Mythril chain mail. It covers his upper body and is worn under his upper garments.

Skills: A tracker by nature he can track people using scent and his surroundings. A skilled sword wielder. It is as if his moves are of some ancient dance.


-Sorjax has the ability to manipulate shadows and darkness. It swirls around him like a cloak and keeps him hidden. This power has great potential if used properly.

-He can also weave openings into space as demonstrated by him once in a tournament long ago. He rips open a seam in reality which allows him to walk through and it reopens elsewhere. (He can only use it twice per battle and it drains him greatly)

-He also has the power to form stun attacks, drawing his power from the shadows this fighter can form balls of darkness from his palms. Once they hit a target, the shadows wrap around them like a rope holding them still for up to ten seconds. (Can be used 3 times per battle)

Familiar: The brown hawk Horus. Horus and Sorjax have the ability to share eyesight. Sometimes Sorjax sees a flash and he sees whatever Horus sees. This has saved him in many situations. Horus can be called by a shrill whistle, but only by Sorjax himself.


Sorjax is the last of his tribe; The Ki-Naris. However he recently learned that he is the descendant of an even greater tribe. One whom shall be revealed soon enough.

He is one of the former LCC champions.

2 years ago Sorjax joined forces with Mist and a young girl, which led him on an incredible journey. He vanished from the face of Althanas during his journey. It was during this time that he somehow tapped into the same dark powers that Mist possessed.

Sorjax re-surfaced a year ago just before The second LCC. The Ki-Naris joined forces with Mist once again. The duo registered for the second annual LCC under the identity The Plague. They revealed themselves during the second round of the tournament causing a ripple of shock throughout the fighting world. The second LCC was even more grueling than the first. Sorjax and Mist fought valiantly only to lose in the final round to opponents whose names have been forgotten.
Sorjax and Mist however became legends. Names whispered amongst those who awaited the third annual LCC.

After the second LCC the duo vanished again into the darkness. No one knew what had become of the Ki-Naris and Mist. Horrible rumors spread that they had been killed in uncharted lands to the east.
An entire year passed and once again the LCC banner was raised to signal the start of a new year, and new champions. And from Fallien there came word.

Sorjax Narzack. Last of The Ki-Naris had returned.

To reclaim his spot as champion of The LCC.

((Um, I don't remember my EXP amount. I gotta get it from someone))