Name: Serenya, last name unknown
Age: 24
Race: Vaxeraom
Hair Color: Vixen orange-red
Eye Color: black with a flash of red
Height: 5; 6"
Weight: 123
Occupation: Pirate Captain

Personality: Serenya is a dark, beautiful foxy-lady...litterally. She does not open up to people about her true feelings easily, but will gladly tell you her past and how she wound up where she is today. Serenya hates herself in many ways for the sins she as come to commit. However, she knows now as much as she did then that what she has come to do was greatly needed. Though it was in desperate need she has come to do such great and terrible actions, lives were saved in her taking of them.

Race Discription: Vaxeraom are fox-people. Extremely rare, very few see them. Crafty and sly is the name of any Vaxeraom game. The will not set out to complete a task until they know how they want to do it, often needing and able to change things up in mid leap.

Appearance: An over-sized, walking, talking, rude fox. She seems angry about everything, loathing all and loving all at the same time. Her tail is long and bushy, often waving slowly in thought.

History: For starters, Serenya is only half Vaxeraom...her other half is deamon. She was seventeen when she took the life of both her parents in a bloody struggle for life. She greatly resembels her Vaxeraomian mother, Asyene, but has the power and rage of her deamon father Brathome. Trained to kill since she was small she found an easy job as a hunter of bounties, very few jobs even giving her a challenge until she crossed her half-brother on a bounty. He was waiting for her, it had been a set up trap all along. He was far stronger than anything she had ever even heard about. He must have been her brother from her father, he looked like him and showed no signs of Vaxeraom. Indeed, he looked full deamon...and his power doubled that theory into law quickly. His transformation, a 'gift' from their fater, was quick, easy, and seemingly painless. His massive claws gripped her chest and crushed her before stabbing her with a serrated knife in the gut. Now bowing at his very feet, right where he said many would fall, he began to tell her that everything she had worked for and done was indeed meaningless. In murdering her parents she had only unleased access to their father's full power. He needed her dead and the necklace given to her at birth. The amulet is bound to her very soul and will only grant power to the next wearer upon the moment of her death. Ripping the bronze amulted from her skin along with any hope she had left, he drug her off the ground and to the edge of the cliff on which they fought. However brief the scirmish had been, Serenya had learned much. Her brother, Brottonim, would have to be killed...and she the one to do it. This she vowed while plumeting into the sea he had dropped her into, his demonic laugh following her to the deapths. Days later she was hoisted to the deck of a pirate ship. Her vow was what kept her alive. The pirates had meant to cage her and sell her as quickly as they could, but when she escaped and killed all who came within ten feet of her they took her to their commadore, who bid her stay and become a pirate for him. Eventually making captain, Serenya is free to go about the world as she pleases. Her fancy is to find and kill her brother, at any means needed.

Swords--- Though clumsy and foolish with large swords, Serenya is at home with a rapier or She knows how to defend herself well, but always has room to learn more.

Aim--- Being a pirate, Serenya was forced to learn to aim a gun. She's not a good shot...still, but is learning quickly. Since she is not a good aim, she carries multiple loaded weapons at any time.

Demonilith--- This is the 'gift' her father left her through his blood in her body. When in a rage or dire need, Serenya can tap into her demonic side and transform into a monster of sorts that gives her near uncontrollable power. She cannot control it, and never has been able to. Thus, she is a berserker. Every time she kills something it makes her stronger.

Amulet--- Her father once wore an amulet that contained his power. When his children were born a mighty swing of a smithy's hammar split it in two equal halves. Though she no longer has posession of her half, she still has some of that power. Her brother can't figure out why he isn't at full power since he canNOT have not killed her...he's in for a surprise.

Ring--- this is her mother's wedding ring, nuthin' special.

Swords--- her blades are venom tipped, to paralyze her enemies after many minuted of fighting after the venom had invaded the heart.